Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,24

carefully, and at one point grabbed Margie’s arm.

“Oh! Mom, do you see those three? Those are the county council members. I want to introduce you.”

“If you insist!”

Jade led them across the barn where a large group was waiting in line for drinks.

“Hi guys, I’m so glad that you could make it!” Jade reached out and shook everyone’s hand. “I’d like you all to meet my mom, Margie Clifton.”

Margie waved. “Hi, and welcome!”

“This is the full council – Jared, Angie, and Frank.”

Margie smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you all! I’ve heard so much about you – you’re the ones who gave Jade a chance to come up with an idea for this land, so for that, I thank you!”

Jared, the youngest one of the bunch by several decades, touched his hand to his chest. “Oh, it was our pleasure. Really – a no-brainer.”

Angie, a woman closer to Margie’s age, nodded. “I was excited that Jade even wanted to take it on! The only other interest we had was from developers, of course. So what she’s doing – what you’re all doing – it’s just wonderful!”

“I’m just here for the food,” said Frank with a hearty laugh. “Just kidding. I like a good debate. It livens things up on the council, you know?”

“Oh I know,” said Margie, smiling like the fool that she was, with no idea what he was talking about.

“No, this really is good,” Frank continued. “I knew Colby. He didn’t get involved a lot in island politics, but he was a good guy. He’d be really touched to see all this going on. Oh – excuse me, my granddaughter looks like she’s about to jump off of that table.”

Margie turned around and saw a four-year-old girl on top of the arts and crafts table, both fists in the air. She laughed to herself – it’d been a long time since she had to deal with problems like that.

“The whole island is really excited about it,” said Jared. He then paused, his eyes narrowing at someone across the room. “Oh, there’s someone I need to talk to – please excuse me.”

Margie watched Jade as Jared walked away. Was it possible that Jade liked him? He wasn’t a bad looking guy – not at all. And he looked like he was around Jade’s age. He’d come dressed up in a suit and was very clean-cut. Maybe he and Jade had a sort of friendship going on? Or maybe…more than a friendship? Jade would never tell, but Morgan might spill the beans…

“Oh look,” Jade said, dropping her voice. “Jared’s talking to Eddie.”

“Interesting.” Margie hadn’t seen Eddie since he finally finished up the work she paid him for in the barn. She never made the mistake of hiring him again – he was just too unreliable. “Looks like Eddie’s trying to smooth talk him. I wonder what he did this time.”

Jade giggled. “Who knows.”

Margie decided to make her way over and find out for herself. But when she got closer, Jared was already walking away.

Margie decided to approach Eddie anyway. “Eddie! I’m surprised to see you here.”

“An artist must always return to see his work,” he said with a grin.

He’d only worked on the bathrooms, so it didn’t quite seem like art to Margie. But if that’s the way that he wanted to think of it?

“Yes, of course. How have you been?”

“Excellent! I really like what you’ve done with the place.”

“Thank you.” Margie cleared her throat. “Is my memory wrong, or did Jade tell me that you were against her proposal for the land? You said it would be bad for your business?”

He laughed, putting his arm around her. “Margie, that was then. This is now! I realize that no matter what they build on that land, I can help build it. You’ll put in a good word for me, right?”

“I can let them know what you did here,” she said carefully. She didn’t want to lie to the man – she certainly would never recommend him to anyone.

“You’re the best!”

Margie caught Hank’s eyes from across the room. She had to force herself not to laugh – he was staring daggers at Eddie. He really didn’t like the guy.

Eddie was babbling something in her ear, but she wasn’t listening. At that moment, Matthew walked into the barn – with Laura on his arm. She had on a long, yellow dress. It was quite stunning, really. Margie looked around to see where Jade was. It took her a moment to spot her – Copyright 2016 - 2024