Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,2

a source of support and entertainment.

Outside of that, Jade seemed to be well liked at her job and was even allowed to work from home full-time now – her boss really trusted her for some reason. And Jade was starting to branch out – she started getting involved in activities on the island, like the county council.

As far as goals…well, she wanted to do something for the people of San Juan Island. There was a new project that she learned about through the council meetings. And despite all of the jokes that she kept hearing at her mom’s now famous Sunday dinners, she was not going to meetings to pick up a boyfriend. Far from it. She truly wanted to find a way to do her part as an islander.

Not that there was anything wrong with wanting to have a boyfriend. But there also wasn’t anything wrong with not having a boyfriend.

In fact, she wasn’t ready for a boyfriend. Not until she understood herself better and could be sure that she wouldn’t fall into the same sort of dysfunction that she had with Brandon.

This wasn’t on Greta’s advice, but rather something that she felt deep in her heart. Just because she found someone interesting, smart, insightful, and even handsome…it didn’t mean he’d make a good boyfriend.

No, even someone seemingly as decent as, say, Matthew couldn’t be trusted. Sure, he was nice enough when he came to Sunday dinners or when he helped with Morgan’s mom’s case, but who knew what he was really like?

Brandon was nice at first, too. Almost too nice; he tried so hard to impress her and her family. Jade wasn’t the only one who fell for it.

She paused for a moment and pretended to tie her shoe; there were no other sounds or movements. Good. It was all imagined – or perhaps a bird or something.

She kept walking, a bit slower now. This was the year to work on herself, not the year to rush and find her “special someone.” Maybe she would never date again. And maybe she would never get married again – it might just be better that way. It was too soon to say – and too soon to worry about.

When she got back to the parking lot, it was already starting to get dark. Her car was the only one in the lot. She was busy digging in her backpack to find her keys when she walked up to her car and heard a crunch under her feet.

Confused, Jade looked down to see what she was stepping on. It looked like…glass?

She pulled out her cell phone to use as a flashlight. “Oh my gosh!”

The driver’s side window of her car was broken, bits of glass shattered onto the ground and blanketing the driver’s seat.

Her heart rate picked up. She turned around to make sure that no one was approaching her; it seemed like she was the only one there, but she didn’t feel quite secure in that belief anymore.

Jade leaned in to look at her car. She didn’t know how she would clear the glass so that she could sit down. The nearest person that could help her was…

Jade sighed and dialed her mom’s number.

She answered right away. “Hi sweetie, happy Valentine’s Day!”

“Hey Mom – do you have a second? I’m at Lime Kiln Park and I just got back to my car, and…my window is broken.”

“What! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m just not sure how to clean it up. I thought maybe, if you’re not busy, you could stop by and – ”

“Yes, I’ll come right now! Oh, wait a second…”

Jade heard some murmuring in the background as her mom conversed with Hank.

There still didn’t seem to be anyone else in the parking lot. Not that she knew what she would do if there was someone – would she run? Where? And how far could she make it?

“Okay honey, just hang on a second. Hank is sending one of the deputies over, he should be there soon.”

Jade felt her stomach drop. “No, that’s okay, I’ll just sweep it out and – ”

“Don’t be ridiculous! They’re already out on patrol. Oh, hang on a second.”

More murmuring.

“Oh good, it looks like Matthew is only a minute away.”

Jade shut her eyes. She’d mostly succeeded in avoiding Matthew for the past few months, outside of Sunday dinners. There was no need for her to spend time with someone…well, like him. Maybe she could try running? How far could she get? Morgan would surely come Copyright 2016 - 2024