Saints and Sinners - Eden Butler Page 0,9

head. Gia, Coach Mike’s niece—the girl he’d promised any player would lose his balls if he bothered to so much as look her way. The man had even attempted to dress her down in too-baggy clothes and ball caps as though that would keep her out of anyone’s notice.

That low key, fresh faced Gia stood twenty feet in front of Luka completely naked.

Shit, he thought, ready to bolt and duck out of the shower before she noticed him. It’s what any rational man would do. It’s what Luka knew he should do, but he couldn’t move. Not while Gia’s wet, wide ass moved under that water. Not while her entire body glistened like glass in a rainstorm.

Not for the first time, Luka couldn’t help himself. Gia, especially had been on his radar, though she probably didn’t know it. He’d have to be blind and stupid not to notice her. Those baggy shorts and polos Mike made her wear couldn’t hide Gia’s beauty. They didn’t cover up her flat stomach, which Luka had noticed she sported the night of the post-game party at the team house.

She’d stood next to Kona chatting, looking awkward, looking nervous, but so damn sexy Luka had ignored whatever it was Lucy Temple and Trudy Williams said to him as they sat on either side of his chair. He hadn’t been too interested in the offers they made to him. Not when Gia stepped out on that courtyard looking the way she had. The cheerleaders got bored. He didn’t care. And she hadn’t looked anything like she always did that night. Luka had suspected there was something hiding under those baggy clothes she wore. He thought maybe the way she looked at him, how nervous she seemed around him meant she either didn’t like him or liked him too much. He wasn’t sure which one was true, but at the party, Gia had seemed to shed whatever it was that made her feel uncomfortable around Luka.

Then, she caught his eye, held his gaze like it was hers alone before she got caught in the middle of the bullshit those assholes made.

Luka went to her because he was worried. More worried than he thought he should have been. Worried, maybe, because no one had her back just then. Maybe, he was a little worried because he didn’t want to see anything happen to her.

He’d been disappointed that she’d left, grateful that she was safe. His reaction to her the night of the party had been unexpected. But this? Now? Wet and naked and so fucking beautiful?

Look at her, he heard Coach Mike’s voice blasted in his head, even a side-eye glance and I don’t care who you are…I’ll have your balls.

But Coach wasn’t there. Not in that locker room. Without realizing he was doing it, Luka shot a glance around, spotting the empty rows of benches and neat piles of folded towels and shined helmets on tops of the closed lockers. They were alone.

She was young, he knew that, but not illegal. Coach had turned down an invite for drinks at Summerland’s when his AD asked, mentioning taking Gia out for her eighteenth birthday a couple months before and Luka had overheard the conversation as he left the locker room. She was eighteen, but fuck, eighteen year olds had no business looking like Gia.

The small gasp of noise she made had Luka jerking his attention back to the showers, to Gia and her wide, wild eyes, how she looked between Luka, then down her wet, naked body and toward the towel rack outside of the showers. Her expression was open, and he noticed there wasn’t much she could hide with that look.

Whatever she thought seemed to land right on her face and it was a manic mess: confusion, worry, surprise, embarrassment and the longer Luka went on watching her, unable to keep his gaze off her beautiful round tits and down that flat, wet stomach, the quicker her expression shifted into something heated.

She wanted him, that was clear to Luka and it took everything inside him not to step inside that shower just to take what she might offer with the smallest encouragement.

Even a side-eye glance…

Kona had messed up just a couple weeks back. He’d almost cost them a game. Luka didn’t want to be another Hale on his coach’s shit list. Gia was beautiful, she was sexy as hell and the way his body reacted, God knew he wanted her, but he couldn’t risk it.

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