Saints and Sinners - Eden Butler Page 0,24

the city had taken them from campus and back to her building just before the academic offices closed for the weekend.

They simply weren’t thinking.

“Lu… someone will see.”

“It’s finals…no one cares…” He moved his hand, slipping it under her shirt to brush his thumb over her nipple. “I’ve missed you, nani. Besides,” he said, kissing her neck as he moved his thumb faster over her nipple. “We should break in my new…”

“Get the fuck out of that damn car right now!”

A loud, hammering bang sounded on the hood and Luka leaned back, putting all his weight on one hand as he pulled Gia to his chest and the car door flew open. She could only make out the shape of a large man before a hand curled around Luka’s collar and he was jerked forward, off of Gia and out of the car.

“Gia Adelina Jilani! Get yourself sorted and out here. Figlio di puttana!”

“Uncle Mikey! Wait!” Gia scrambled, trying her best to moved herself between her uncle who had Luka by the collar, his face white, eyes reddening as a thick vein in his neck pulsed and Luka himself, who held up his hands, his words a muffled of sound she couldn’t hear of her uncle’s loud oaths of disappointment.

“Please, Uncle…”

“Madonna santa! …what will I tell my brother? He’ll be…”

“Will you please stop?” she tried again, tugging on her uncle’s arm. The man closed his eyes, running a hand over his face as he held Luka at arm’s length.

“And you! Cazzo, after all we’ve done for you, Hale! All the times... What did I say? I told you I would have your balls. Where’s my knife?” He reached for his pockets, patting his pants and jacket before he went for his keychain. “Going to cut you…”

“Uncle Mike, that’s enough!” Gia managed, stepping in front of the older man so that Luka could get away from him. When he reached for Luka, jaw clenched so tight his chin shook, Gia pushed on his chest to hold him back. “Stop it, please!”

“I told my brother…”

“I am not a kid anymore, and you know that. Papa should know that, too. I’m here to experience life…”

“Not that kind of experience!” He pointed at Luka, his top lip curling. “Dio santo, not that…”

“It doesn’t matter! I’m a good person. I’m a good student and a hard worker. You can’t say I’m not.” He opened his mouth, but didn’t speak and Gia took a step back, moving closer to Luka. “And so is he. So why wouldn’t we want to be around each other? We both like the same things. We run in the same circles. It makes sense and we…”

“No! There is no ‘we!’ Not with my players. I told them that from the beginning. I told you that, too! No. Players.” Mike waved between Gia and Luka, his mouth tight, eyes closed as he shook at his head. “No. Damn. Players.”

“I…I didn’t…”

“Enough! All I’ve done for you,” he said to Luka, head shaking, “and this is how you repay me? This…disrespect?” Then, the older man looked at his niece. “From both of you? Oh, Madonna…”

“That’s not fair. You know it’s not fair.” Gia’s voice was low, her breath felt weighed the longer her uncle glared at her. She could take his disappointment in her, but Luka hadn’t done anything wrong. He hadn’t done anything she hadn’t wanted him to. “We both work hard for you. You know we do. Luka especially…”

“Gia…stop. Please,” Luka said, interrupting whatever defense she’d make for him. She turned away from her uncle, lowering her hand from his chest like she’d given up trying to keep her uncle from lashing at him. Luka wore no real expression on his face. He guarded whatever he was thinking, but Gia knew him well enough that she could make out the disappointment in his eyes. There was shame there, too. Mike had given him and his twin a lot of chances to prove themselves. He’d mentioned that to Gia often. He’d hated sneaking around with her for that reason alone. It had been the main reason they’d argued about coming out in the open about their relationship. Luka hated lying to people he respected.

“Really,” he said, stepping out of her reach when she made to grab for him. “It’s fine.”

“Luka, you know this isn’t right. The way he’s treating us both…”

“No. It’s good. I get it.” He leaned forward to squeeze her hand. “You’re lucky, you know. To have someone to tell you when Copyright 2016 - 2024