Saints and Sinners - Eden Butler Page 0,171

make any sense to her. “I’m…what?” She pushed against his chest, the color of her face darkening as a flush moved up her neck and over her cheeks. “What the hell are you asking me that for?”

“It’s an honest question, and he doesn’t seem to know the answer.” Kai didn’t stop her when she brushed past him, turning to face him in the center of her living room.

Behind her the television was tuned to the local Steamers network and the eight p.m. broadcast was repeating highlights from last week’s game.

“Why would you be asking Lennox Murry any questions at all? Or be close enough to say anything to him?”

Kai rubbed his neck, his own face flushing when he realized the door he’d opened and how it wasn’t his. But he couldn’t lie to Gia, not when he’d laid a thinly veiled accusation in front of his question. “Glenn…wanted to know about his date with Reese.”

The muscles in Gia’s face tensed, making her look severe. “And?”

She still hadn’t answered him and Kai realized Gia was the best at deflection. “And, you didn’t answer my question.”

“And why should I? This has nothing to do with you,” she said, moving him out of her way as she looked for something on the sofa, picking up throw pillows and cushions, seeming focused on whatever it was she’d lost. “Why the hell is he so worried, huh? What does Reese have to do with Ryder? You tell me why the hell my QB is worried about what Reese is doing with Murry…” She paused, glancing at him, again moving past him to the coffee table, picking up the small serving tray there that held remotes, candles and an old newspaper. “Then, maybe, I’ll tell you about my night with Lennox Murry.”

“Night with…” Kai groaned, grinding his teeth together to keep from yelling at her, following right after her when she seemed unable to find whatever it was she lost and moved into her bedroom. He was so irritated by her half answers that he barely noticed her bed—how big it was, how he caught the scent of her perfume when he stood next to it. “Why are you being like this?” She looked at her bed side table, picking up a hardback copy of something called “Where the Forest Meets the Stars” and a smaller book with a purple background and an illustration of a woman’s face, her forehead and hair scattered in spots to denote hair, before she replaced them, turning toward the big walk in closet. “What are you looking for?” he asked, the question coming out in a frustrated yell.

Gia turned, glaring at him, hands on her hips. “My damn phone, if you must know. And by the way, I don’t appreciate you beating on my door, demanding answers from me like you’re some…like you’re my…” She waved a hand, dismissing whatever word seemed to come first in her head before she continued. “…my whatever. I don’t owe you an explanation, Kai.” She stood in front of him, her mouth in a line with just the top lip curling up and he didn’t know if he wanted to scream at her again or kiss her.

“Did you sleep with Murry?”

Gia narrowed her eyes, her nostrils widening when she inhaled and a low, grunting noise moving between her lips. “No, you big Neanderthal, I did not.” Kai lowered his shoulders, which seemed to irritate Gia even more and the woman curled her arms together, her features going stony again. “But I could have. He wanted me to.” She flicked her gaze over his face, likely noticing the pulse he felt beating along his top lip. “But he’s not my type.”

“Who’s your type?” Kai asked, losing some of his anger, ready to grab hold of her and bring her to the bed five feet away from them.

“Do not start,” she warned, turning away to look around the mess in her closet, moving purses and shoes out of the way in her attempt, he guessed to find her cell. She went to her knees to dig under a pile of unfolded laundry, pushing aside workout clothes and T-shirts to reach behind a bank of drawers. “I did tell Reese to fuck him.”

“What?” Kai said, his voice loud again.

Gia threw him a look, eyes rolling when he glared at her. “What? She’s single. He’s single. She’s wound so freakin’ tight she could use a little…back stretching.”

“No. Not with that asshole. He’s…and Reese is…”

Gia leaned back, folding her Copyright 2016 - 2024