Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,91

now. No one matters in that moment but him. I wait for his response, my heart hammering in my chest.

“Are you listening, bitch?” Laurel barks at my ear.

I flinch away from her and face her with a snarl. “I said fuck off, what don’t you get about that?”

“You’ve fucked yourself, slut,” she hisses, ignoring my words. “Saint won’t protect you now. He’ll throw you out like trash because of this, or worse.”

Like I need her to tell me that.

“Laurel, you don’t seem to be getting it, so let me make this perfectly clear. I don’t give a fuck what you have to say. Go away.” I enunciate, just to grind home the fact that I think she’s an idiot.

Laurel’s nostrils flare, and when she speaks, it’s directed straight at me, “You’re about to crash hard, you uppity bitch, and I can’t wait to watch it happen.”

“Yeah, well, even if he does dump me, there’s no way in fuck he’s going to want you. His dad wants you two together, which means Saint can’t stand you.”

It’s a low blow, knowing their complicated history, but I have no patience for her and need to lash out. I need to hurt something to make my own anxiety calm down.

Her eyes widen and her face drains of color. I’ve hit my mark with deadly precision, I can tell.

She opens her mouth and closes it several times before she manages to growl, “You truly are a clueless slut.”

I shrug because I have no fucks to give about her opinion of me. “I learned from the best, baby girl.”

Her lip trembles, and she turns from me to storm away. I watch her completely flee the dining hall, and then glance back at Loni, who’s staring at me in shock.

A heartbeat of time passes in total silence before she begins to slow clap.

“That’s the most amazing thing I think I’ve ever seen,” she says with an awed shake of her head.

I chuckle under my breath, but I can’t give my friend my full attention. Glancing down at my phone, I see that Saint still hasn’t responded, and my stomach twists with dread.

By Monday morning, I’m a bundle of nerves. I never heard from him, and he didn’t show up to my room last night. When I went to his, he didn’t answer the door, no matter how hard I knocked. I didn’t sleep a wink, and instead was tossing and turning all night as a million different scenarios ran through my head of how this could play out between us.

Very few of those scenarios ended on a positive note.

As I walk into the dining hall again, I easily ignore the whispers and glares I receive as I scan the crowd for him. A mixture of relief and terror rushes through me when I spot him sitting alone at a table by the wall to my right. It’s unusual for him to have no one around, fawning over him, but I can guess by his thunderous expression that not many people are super willing to be near him right now. Taking a deep breath, I hurry over to him.

He meets my gaze as I near, and his glare is so icy, I physically shiver. I don’t stop, however, until I’m standing next to him.

“Hey,” I murmur. “I’ve been trying to reach you since yesterday morning. Where’ve you been?”

Slowly, he unfurls himself from his chair and rises to his feet so he’s towering over me. He looks down at me as though disgusted by my very presence. “I don’t enjoy looking like a fool, Ellis. I figured you knew that about me by now.”

“It’s not what you think—”

“I don’t want your fucking excuses.” He pushes past me to prowl toward the door. I turn, intent on following him, when my phone pings.

Pulling it out, I see I have a text from Carley, and it’s entitled URGENT.

I glance up at Saint’s retreating back, but I can’t just ignore the message. It could be about Jenn, or the accident…

Reluctantly, I let him go and open the text.

Carley: Dylan stopped by the house last night!!! He was looking for you!

My chest and my stomach seem to crash together, and my problems with Saint are suddenly shoved to the background of my mind as something much worse rises up to take their place.

Dylan’s found me. He wasn’t supposed to be able to.

My past is starting to catch up to me, and I don’t know if I can outrun it this time.


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