Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,86

up a winding driveway to the most gorgeous house I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s a three-story Spanish style house with big windows and elaborate iron work all over the façade.

My jaw drops and he pulls up to park in front of the four-car garage.

Turning to me, he arches his brow. “You ready to go in?”

I force my mouth shut as I turn to him with wide eyes. “Y-yes.”

Except, the truth is, I don’t think I’m ready to enter his world at all.


Stepping into the house, I’m even more floored by the interior than the exterior. This is one of those houses people dream about and see on display on HGTV, but never think they’ll get the chance to actually walk through in real life. The high ceilings are all wood planks and exposed beams, and the back walls are mostly windows that look out over the beach and gently rolling emerald waters.

I wander through the massive foyer, marveling at how the place feels like a medieval castle, but with a modern, airy twist. Saint moves past me toward the spacious living room, and I follow him because what the fuck else am I supposed to do?

“This place is amazing,” I murmur, my eyes sweeping over the grand, marble fireplace dominating one wall of the room.

“Trust me, it’s not,” he growls, dropping down into a cream-colored chair that looks too fancy to sit in.

My brows shoot up nearly to my hairline. “What do you mean by that?”

He shrugs. He’s not looking at me, which typically means he’s doesn’t want to talk to me about something. I gingerly sit on the edge of a long sofa that matches his chair in design and fanciness.

“You’re being weird, Saint. Why’d you bring me here?”

He leans forward in his chair until his face is inches from mine. “Isn’t it obvious? I was bored and wanted my favorite girl to play with.”

I scowl at him. “I’m not your damn toy.”

“Okay, Mal.” He claims my lips with his, and before I fully comprehend what’s happening, he’s pulled me from my seat into his lap. I’m straddling him, clutching his hair as his kiss consumes me.

“Oh, Jesus Christ, Saint. What do you think you’re doing?”

I startle, tearing my lips from his and spinning my head around to find an older woman in a maid’s uniform ogling us from the foyer. Saint lets out a growl of annoyance.

“Fuck, Marybeth, can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Yes, I can see you’re busy trying to give this poor girl an STD. It’s the middle of the day when there are people around. Where’s your sense of decency?”

“Where’s your sense of wanting to keep your fucking job?” he snaps back. I’m still in his lap, trapped by his hands on my hips. This is one of the most awkward things that’s ever happened to me. I want to dig a hole, crawl into it, and die right here and now.

At last, I scramble off of his lap, despite his firm hold on me.

“I, uh, need to use the bathroom,” I mutter, my face burning with embarrassment.

He scowls, but points toward a hallway off the living room. “Three doors down.”

“Thanks. Be right back.” I shoot an apologetic smile toward Marybeth and hurry from the room, so mortified that I don’t even care if it looks like I’m running away. I hear Saint and Marybeth continue to argue as I wander down the hall in search of the bathroom. Finding it, I’m about to step inside when I hear different voices speaking softly around a corner just in front of me.

“Poor kid, getting left behind like that,” one voice, a woman, says. “It’s no wonder he’s been in such a mood these last few days.”

I pause in the bathroom doorway. Are they talking about Saint? What do they mean he was left behind? I inch my way down the wall, getting closer so I can hear better.

“What kind of parents forget about their son’s fall break?” the second voice, which I’m pretty sure is a guy, spits. “If the pay here wasn’t so good, I’d never work for assholes like them.”

The woman sighs. “I’m right there with you, Kevin.”

The two move further down the hall and out of earshot. I don’t follow because that would be just a little too creepy. I turn back and walk into the bathroom, my mind racing.

Saint’s parents left him behind? They forgot about his break?

My heart aches for him. I know what it’s like to have a parent Copyright 2016 - 2024