Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,71

first, I thought he was holding back, perhaps too afraid to hurt me, but he’s not holding back now. I’ve gotten in multiple hits, and he’s yet to land one. I’m not typically a violent person, but when the participant is willing, it can be pretty damn cathartic to beat the shit out of someone.

I catch him off-guard with a left uppercut that sends him stumbling backwards. He shakes his head, no doubt dazed from the impact, but then he grins at me, his gaze sparkling like he’s having the time of his life.

“Damn, it’s a shame Saint won’t let you join the boxing team,” he says with a shake of his head. “You’d kill it, and I mean, there’s only like five other teams in the country so you’d get to take your hillbilly-ass all over the place.”

I freeze and stare at him in disbelief, my thoughts pinging to the first half of what he said. “What the hell are you talking about?” I demand to know. “Saint’s got nothing to do with it.”

Gabe shrugs and rubs his glove over his sweat-drenched red hair.

“So, the thing is, I asked him if he’d try to talk you into joining the team. You know, since you two are porking now and all.”

My cheeks instantly burn red. I close my eyes for a moment to summon up all the patience I can, then release an exasperated breath. “Okay … so then what happened.”

He hesitates to answer, and I get the feeling he’s afraid I’ll punch him once he says what he’s going to say. “Well, he wasn’t into the idea. Told me he’d tell you no if you decided to join.”

“What?” My blood runs ice-cold in my veins, and I’m overwhelmed with fury. “Why would he think he’d have any voice in the decision?”

Gabe shrugs again. He’s always shrugging, like nothing anyone says to him can really stick, and just rolls off his shoulders like water. “I guess it’s cause you’re his now, and he doesn’t want other guys touching you, or messing up your pretty face.”

I’m going to rip his balls off. That’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to hunt Saint down and make sure the whole goddamn Angelle line ends with him.

Gabe must be able to read my rage because he takes a cautious step back and raises his hands, like he’s fending off a wild animal. “Now, hold on Ellis, don’t be getting me into trouble—”

I stop listening as I spin on my heel to march out the room. I tear off my gloves and throw them on the floor as I walk out the door, intent on finding Saint and giving him the ass-chewing of the century. Gabe doesn’t try to stop me, which is smart of him.

First, I go look for him in the weight room, where he usually spends our free classes. He’s not there, though, so I storm to the main gym, thinking he might be playing basketball with some of the other guys. No luck. Where the hell could he be?

On a whim, I decide to check the locker rooms, and I head straight to the boys’ side. Since everyone else is occupied with class, I don’t expect to stumble upon any naked peen, so I stalk through the door without hesitating or bothering to knock.

I halt in my tracks when I immediately hear voices. Listening closely, I realize that I recognize both of them. Saint’s sexy deep baritone is low and angry sounding, and it’s broken up by the occasional pathetic whimpers and sniffles of She-Devil herself.

What’s Laurel doing down here?

I make my way deeper into the room, down a row of green lockers, following their conversation. It sounds like a pretty heated argument is going on. I pause at the end of the row and listen in for a moment.

“This isn’t up for debate, L,” Saint growls.

“But … but you can’t do this!” Laurel responds, her tone desperate. “Your father had this all worked out, he wants you to make sure—”

“My father doesn’t control my life. You should know that better than anyone.”

I roll my eyes, realizing their arguing about rich people problems. Likely one of those non-arranged, arranged marriage situations where Saint’s father decided it was the seventeenth century and he’d hand pick his son a wife. Laurel would be the one he’d decided worthy enough to shackle to Saint’s side for the rest of their miserable lives.

Since it doesn’t appear their arguing over a matter of life and Copyright 2016 - 2024