Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,59

moment, wondering if Saint told him what’d happened between us. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem aware of the fact that his best friend’s head was buried between my legs just a few nights ago. If he knew about it, I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

It would just give the people at this school another reason to make my life hell.

“Yeah, right. Telling Saint anything that Saint doesn’t want to hear is bad for your health, you know. You should’ve seen how the motherfucker reacted to me taking your panties that one day.”

Ah, now that’s news.

“I can imagine,” I murmur, remembering Jon Eric’s bruised face before turning back to the bag. As I begin slamming my fists into it again, Gabe comes around and grabs it, holding it steady for me.

“So, I’m curious, Ellis. Who do you think it was that knocked your ass out?”

I pause and glance at him. While I hadn’t been expecting the question, I’m not surprised his nosy ass is asking it. Gabe is the biggest gossip whore I’ve ever met. If there’s dirt going around about someone, he’s usually the one who spread it.

“Haven’t a clue, Gabe,” I reply as I resume hitting the bag.

He keeps it steady, even when I throw all my weight and strength into my punches.

“You’ve got to have a list of suspects, at least?”

Oh, I do, but it’s probably more of a grudge list than a real one. At the very tippy top of my suspects would have been Laurel, obviously. I’ve no doubt that evil bitch would try to murder me and make it look like an accident, but again—alibi. The rest of the list? Pretty much everyone at this school who’s contributed to making my life here hell. Surprisingly, though, Gabe, Liam, and Saint are not on there. Gabe’s too lazy to go to such lengths to get rid of someone, Liam would never hurt me, and Saint…

Well, he has way too much fun fucking with me to want me dead.

“Like I said, I have no idea who could’ve done it. I’m just grateful they weren’t successful in their murder attempt.”

He releases a shallow breath, as if disappointed I don’t have juicier stuff for him.

“Well that doesn’t help things,” he murmurs, more to himself than to me, though.

“Is that all you stopped by for?” I demand, stopping again and glaring at him in exasperation. “To try and convince me to do boxing and bug me about my attack?”

He shrugs. “Pretty much, yeah. The swimming thing’s really cutting into my pussy-chasing time, and there’s a pool going around on who tried to off you. I thought I could get a little bit of an advantage if I heard who your enemies were straight from you.”

His words make me think of Saint, and his parting jab to me after my orgasm melted away.

“We’re still enemies, and I still want you gone.”

I groan in disgust and shake my head. Then, a thought comes to me, and I’m a little stunned I didn’t think about it before now.

“Gabe, why did Saint have you and Liam start watching over me when I swim?”

His head jerks back, and he blinks at me. “You don’t know?”

I frown. “No … should I?”

His lips turn up into a wide grin, and he chuckles. “Fuck, Ellis. You’re clueless as hell. You sure you’re here on a scholarship?”

“Why don’t you enlighten me?” I growl, folding my arms over my chest and glaring at him.

“No can do, sweet cheeks.” He smirks, taking a step toward me. I don’t move an inch, staring him down as he invades my personal space. “Just watch yourself. You’re playing with the big boys now, and we don’t follow the rules like other guys do. Stay on your guard, or you’ll be eaten alive.”

I stare at him, uncertain if he’s threatening me or not. It doesn’t sound like a threat, but his words are far from friendly and besides, this is the same bastard that stole my underwear to do god knows what. He winks at me and turns to go before I can muster up any kind of response. I scowl as he struts out the door.

Gabe’s strange behavior is still on my mind when I walk into English class the next morning. I can’t figure out what he meant when he said I was playing with the big boys now. Haven’t I been doing that all along? And how the hell am I supposed to know why Saint forced him to babysit me?

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