Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,47


“I like beer,” I say with a shrug. After all, I did grow up with Jenn, who made sure the refrigerator was stocked with Natty Light before food.

He looks at me from around the fridge door, his brow cocked, and his lips curled in a surprised grin. “Huh, wouldn’t have thought a goody-two-shoes like you would indulge.”

I roll my eyes as I lean against the huge glass-topped kitchen island. “Just because I care about school doesn’t mean I’m a saint.”

He chuckles, grabs two fancy craft beers and walks over to set one before me.

“Ellis’s got a rebellious side,” he teases. “Sexy. Very sexy.”

I scowl at him but can’t help the blush that creeps into my cheeks. He’s acting so differently than any of the times we’ve interacted at school. Even during our late-night swims, he was never this friendly. It’s as if some weight or tension has been lifted off him, and he’s fully relaxed for the first time since we’ve met.

Is this what he’s always like when he’s not around Saint and Gabe?

I like this casual, approachable Liam with his black t-shirt and exposed tattoos and easy grin. He seems like someone I could genuinely enjoy being around.

We grab our beers and move to the living room. I go to grab my backpack from where I left it by the door.

“Okay, so I did do a little prep-work so we’re not starting from total scratch,” I say, sitting next to him on the plush leather couch and pulling my bag into my lap so I can dig around inside for my binder. “I’ve already compiled a list of Dickens’ works that I think we should focus on. We could center our theme around his portrayal of the poor in his writing.”

“Holy shit, Ellis. You’re the best partner ever.”

I shoot him a shy grin. “I just like to be prepared.”

I’m in the process of pulling out my binder and notebook when the doorbell suddenly rings, one of those fancy bells that plays Mozart. Frowning, I glance to the door, then to Liam.

“Expecting anyone?”

He shakes his head, but his expression darkens. “No … I wasn’t.”

He pushes to his feet and moves around me toward the door. I watch him open it, and my stomach twists when it’s Saint standing on the other side of the threshold.

Only he’s not alone.

I can see a whole group of students from Angelview gathered behind him, including Gabe and Laurel. They’re staring through the door at me in clear shock.

Liam’s shoulders tense, and I can see his profile tighten with rage.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” he growls.

Saint stares him dead in the eye as he offers a taut, lifeless smile. There’s a simmering anger in his gaze as well, though I can’t begin to imagine why.

“Heard there was a party. Didn’t want to miss out.”

He tries to push past Liam, but my study-buddy doesn’t budge an inch.

“There’s no party here, you knew that already.”

Saint turns his frigid gaze toward me, and his nostrils flare. “You two gonna fuck or something?”

I gape at him, horrified. He stares right back at me, as if daring me to say something. Liam’s face is turning red and he looks like he’s on the verge of violence.

Something must be going on between the two for Liam to have such an intense reaction to Saint showing up on his doorstep. I would’ve thought such a thing would be a regular occurrence, but there appears to be trouble in filthy, spoiled rich boy paradise.

Whatever the drama, I don’t need to be part of it.

I pack up my bag and stand.

Moving next to Liam, I look up at him and say, “Maybe we can just reschedule?”

His brown eyes fly to mine. “No, we don’t need to.”

“Ahhh, so you were gonna fuck.” Saint’s voice is burning venom in my ears.

I ignore him and place a hand on Liam’s arm, ignoring the sound of Saint filtering in a sharp breath. “It’s okay. Really. We can meet up on campus next week.”


The sound of my first name on his lips gives me a little jolt, but I try not to let it show. Saint’s watching me like a predator tracking its prey, and I don’t want to give him any insight into my increasingly complicated relationship with Liam. Especially since it appears their relationship is far more complicated than I would have initially thought.

I smile up at Liam. “I’m going to call Loni to come pick me up. You guys have fun.”

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