Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,42

narrow as he processes what I’ve just said. Carving his fingers through his blond hair, he gives his head a jerky shake. “You have a savior complex or something? Bad things happen, Ellis, that’s life. And the worst part? You’re fucking small.”

“I—” I start, but he keeps going, completely ignoring me.

“You’re what? Five feet, a hundred pounds, soaking wet? You. Can’t. Save. Everyone.”

I look up at him, stunned. “I know that, fucker, and I’m five-foot-one, for your dickwad information. I wasn’t talking about saving people. I was talking about stopping a literal crime from happening,” I say even as the voice in my head reminds me of all the ones I’ve committed.

Thank god Saint can’t read minds.

Instead, he sends mine into panic mode when he cups my chin and drags my focus up to his eyes. “You really think those two would be held accountable for that shit? Jon Eric’s crazy bitch mom will probably be president one day and you wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if you knew some of the people Finnegan’s dad has defended. Those two have never been held accountable before, and they won’t be any time soon.”

He’s right, I realize, but I know he hasn’t ever been held accountable either. He, Jon Eric, and Finnegan all live in a world I just don’t understand, where they can do horrible things to people and no one bats an eye, and everyone continues to worship them. It’s infuriating, and even though I know Saint would never do the things Jon Eric and Finnegan have done, he’s far from innocent.

Just look at everything he’s done to me.

Why though? Why me?

I want to ask, but I know now’s not the time. He’s already defensive and has shown too much mercy by saving me. I doubt I’ll get anymore from him tonight.

Still, he surprises me when he strokes his thumb over the center of my lips, husks out, “Stop putting yourself in danger, my silly little masochist,” then releases me.

We reach my building a few minutes later and I linger at the door, wondering if I should say anything more. I’ve already thanked him, and he shot that down. He stands and waits for me to do something, his brow furrowed with irritation.

“Well, thanks again, I guess,” I finally say, and know it’s lame.

“Whatever,” he growls, turning to go. “Just go to bed. You’ve wasted enough of my time.”

His response is grating. I release a huff of breath and yank the door of my building open. Stepping inside, I pause, letting it fall shut behind me as I watch him walk away through the glass.

I don’t go to my room. Instead, I go straight to Loni’s. I have to tell her what I’ve figured out about Nick’s attack, and it won’t wait until morning.

Reaching her door, I raise my fist and bang on it, not caring if I’m disturbing the entire floor. It’s only a few moments before it opens and Loni is standing on the threshold in a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her curls, staring at me with huge brown eyes as Dorito rubs against her bare leg.

“Mal? What’s wrong? Why are you pounding on my door like that?”

I push her back into her room and shut the door behind me.

“Loni, something just happened, and I think I’ve figured out something major.”

She blinks, and I may be overwhelming her with my manic energy.

“What did you figure out?” she demands. “What happened?”

I grab her hand and pull her to her bed, sitting down and urging her to join me. Once she’s settled, I take a deep breath and launch into my story.

“I was supposed to meet Liam at the library for our English project, but while I was searching for him, I stumbled on Jon Eric and Finnegan. They were … they were tormenting a freshman. I think he was a football player.”

“Okay,” she says slowly, using the edge of her towel to wipe a trickle of water from her temple.

“I interrupted them, and they turned on me…”

“Oh my God! Are you all right?”

I nod. “I wasn’t, not really, but then Saint saved me—”

“Saint!” Her eyes are saucers. Of course, this would be the most shocking thing to her so far.

I wave my hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, he’s not the focus right now.”

“If Saint Angelle saving you isn’t the focus of your story, what the fuck is?”

I grab her shoulders and look her straight in the eye. “Loni, listen to me. I don’t think Saint attacked Copyright 2016 - 2024