Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,26

here. Angry that she’s ruining what was shaping up to be such a fun night. Angry in general that an evil bitch like her gets to go on living her charmed life with no consequences when it comes to the demolished victims she leaves in her wake.

Stepping around Loni, I get in Laurel’s face.

“Why don’t you get out of here,” I hiss. “You and your asshole friends weren’t invited, and nobody wants you here.”

She laughs. “As if I give a shit what you or any of these other losers want.” She shoves at my shoulder. “You’re nothing but a trailer park slut.”

I can’t stop myself. I’m too pissed off, and I shove her back.

“Better a trailer park slut than an egomaniac who only takes it in the back door.”

She looks shocked that I snapped back. Her face reddens with fury, her gaze darting around as if to check if there were any witnesses to my show of spine against her.

“Why don’t you just fucking die?” she snarls, pushing me even harder. “Burn like the piece of shit trash you are.”

Her shove is stronger than I anticipated, and I’m thrown off balance, too late realizing that the bonfire is at my back. I hear Loni let out a startled shriek as I topple backwards, but before I hit the flames, strong hands wrap around my shoulders, catching me. Tilting my head back, my eyes go wide when they meet Liam’s chocolate brown irises.

“You all right?” he asks in a low tone, his face so close to mine that his hair skims the tip of my nose.

I blink, baffled that he’s speaking to me at all, let alone in such a gentle tone.

“Um … yeah. Tha-thank you.”

He helps me regain my balance before he lets me go, then shoots that jet-black stare of his toward the blonde who’d pushed me.

“Are you insane?” he snaps. “Even your daddy wouldn’t be able to bail you out of a murder charge, you dumb bitch.”

Laurel’s jaw drops, though I can’t tell if it’s because of how Liam spoke to me, or because of how he’s speaking to her.

“Liam, what the fuck—?” she begins, but he cuts her off.

“Shut up. Go jump in the ocean and sober your drunk ass up.”

He gives me a quick look, then turns to head back to Gabe and Saint. Gabe appears stunned by the entire scene, but Saint looks disgusted. Our eyes briefly meet, and he spits on the ground before turning and storming toward the parking lot.

Loni hurries to my side, grabbing my arm. “Are you all right?”

I gulp, but I can’t stop looking the direction Saint disappeared to.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I … I’ll be right back, have to go pee.”

Loni’s brows raise, but she nods and lets me go. I hurry across the beach, not fully certain why I’m doing what I’m doing. What good could possibly come from chasing after Saint? What do I even want from him?

I still don’t know the answer by the time I find him. He’s leaning against his black Range Rover, a joint in one hand and his phone in the other. I consider turning around because this is stupid.

Everything about this situation is.

But then his blond head jerks up and he pushes to his feet, shoving his phone in the back pocket of his jeans as he leers at me through a cloud of smoke and disdain.

“What the fuck do you want?” I don’t answer, so he flicks the tip of his tongue across his perfect teeth, then takes a deep drag from the joint. “I’d invite you to join me, but who knows where that mouth’s been.”

My posture stiffens. “Didn’t think you cared.”

“Does it look like I give a shit how many cocks you stuff in your big mouth?” As I edge closer, his eyes narrow and a muscle spasms in his jaw. “Liam might, though. That stupid fuck can’t see straight when you spill your tits out of your swimsuit.”


“I’m not stupid. I know where he goes at night, where you go. He won’t tell me what he’s done to you, but I can imagine. Bet it didn’t take much effort to convince you to open that gaping—”

I shove him with all my might. “Why are you doing this to me?”

He laughs—it’s soft but throaty, drawn out by his haze and his hatred of me. He really doesn’t care. “Why, Saint?” I demand.

“I warned you. From the very start, I told you this would happen.”

“Because I threw a fucking apple Copyright 2016 - 2024