Sadie's Little Christmas - Maren Smith Page 0,53

mad, yet she couldn’t come. He kept her on the edge, refusing to let her fall.

The snap of his bullwhip jolted her in her bonds, the pain so sharp, it almost shook her from her flight. Sighing, she melted into the kiss instead.

“Please, Daddy…”

He struck again.

Her pussy clenched around the dildo, quivering with the constant need to finally find her release.

“On three,” he told her. “One…”

The snap of the bullwhip jerked her in her bonds, the pain lashing across the fullest part of her ass. Her spasming pussy lurched that much closer to the abyss.


“Yes!” she shouted, throwing her head back, her whole-body writhing, mindlessly fighting to ride the cock thrust inside her. “Please, yes.”

“Come,” he commanded. The last stroke of his whip was the sharpest of all, but it sent her right over the edge into the hardest orgasm she’d ever had.

The waves hit her. She shook in their wake, helpless to do anything but cry as he wrapped the bullwhip around her neck. His slow push into her ass wasn’t hard, but it was steady and unstoppable and kept the spasms coming while he rode her.

She was too full. The dildo in her pussy left no room for his size, but he took her anyway, and she loved it. Sore as she was, exhausted as she was, she drifted in the abyss of subspace, loving every thrust that took her beyond what she thought she could bear while he used her for his pleasure.

His hard expulsion of breath let her know when it was over.

She was still breathing. The bullwhip was still around her neck, but it wasn’t until he loosened his grip on it she felt his fingers sliding out from between the leather and her skin, where he’d had them, constantly measuring the tightness of his grip while making sure she got the air she needed.

Her pussy ached to the slide of the dildo as he took it out of her. Her clit throbbed, a dull and wounded pulsing that begged not to be touched. Her ass and back were beyond sore. It was a miracle he hadn’t cut her to pieces. There was only one tiny nick on the under the curve of her buttocks, which she felt when he paused to probe it before untying her.

Catching her before she fell into a boneless puddle at his feet, he hefted her into his arms and carried her to bed.

She sucked air, rolling onto her stomach once he laid her down. She melted into the mattress, drifting now rather than flying. She felt calm, sated. For the first time since she’d almost died, she actually felt at peace.

“Sleep with me, Daddy,” she mumbled, hardly able to keep her eyes open.

The mattress shifted. The heat of his naked body slid under the covers beside her, as he’d so obviously intended to do.

He drew her close, his arm around her waist, shrouding her in his heat and his strength. Just the way Daddy’s should hold their little girls after a rough play session. Just the way a caring Dom should.

“Daddy?” she mumbled, so exhausted she could barely speak. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

“I get you one more night before you get to decide,” was his immediate reply, spoken as drowsiness into the back of her hair.

“Daddy?” she tried again, anyway.

“You don’t want the bruises on your bottom to ever go away, do you?”

“Nuh…” She’d have shaken her head no if only she weren’t lying on a pillow.

“Do you need more?” he asked, a note of incredulity creeping past his carefully neutral front.

Again, she wiggled her head, no, as much as the mattress would allow.

“Then what, darlin’?”

“Is it too late?”


“Ask Santa for what I want?”

She felt his twitch of surprise, right before his bigger body relaxed. He laid down, his thumb caressing a fond circle into her hip as he put his arm around her again.

“No, baby. I’ve got connections. It’s never too late to ask Santa for anything.”

She felt like she weighed a million pounds, and everyone one of them scraped with delicious tenderness against the soft mattress as she rolled onto her back so she could look at him.

“I… I think I might be a bit of a Little girl,” she confessed.

He didn’t look the slightest bit surprised.

“I think you might be too,” he said diplomatically, his warm hand coming to rest on her tummy.

“Can I be your Little for longer than just one more day? I… I want to see if I can try to get to know Copyright 2016 - 2024