The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,53

if Kara says it’s going to happen,” Ethan said, taking the bed from me and putting it in the truck bed.

“Yeah, she’s always right, Max. If she tells you something you have to just believe it will happen”, Colin said. “She told Rylee about me before we ever met.”

“Can she answer questions about the future? I mean, if someone were to ask her?”

They both stared at me, then Ethan answered, “Just be sure you are ready for the answer.”

Colin put his arm around my shoulder, “Max, she is scary accurate, be really sure.”

Maybe I needed to know some things whether I liked her answers or not. A little help from the future sounded pretty good.

Later that afternoon we heard the girls enter the house and stopped playing, all of us curious to see the new dog. Sure enough, in walked Sophie with a small shepherd glued to her side. She was a beautiful dog and I wondered how she had ever ended up in a shelter. The pup wasn’t the only new face, a woman was with them. Tall, blonde, pretty, she made a bee line straight for me.

“Max, I’m Kara. It’s so nice to meet you!” She put her hand out to shake mine and held on tightly.

“Kara, I see you were right once again!” Ethan said, hugging her. Colin hugged her next and then we all spent time petting the dog who still wouldn’t leave Sophie’s side.

“Hurry and give this poor baby a name, Soph,” Rylee said.

Sophie looked at Ethan. “What do you think we should call her?”

“That’s up to you, babe.” He kissed her and bent down to pet the dog.

“I want to give her a perfect name. Kara, just tell me what you see me calling her.”

“You will come up with it, don’t worry,” Kara said confidently.

“Just give me a hint, Kara. I want to name her right now.” We all looked at Kara.

“Alright, a hint. But you do know this is cheating, right?” Sophie nodded and smiled.

“Okay, you are going to name her something from your favorite movie.”

“Twilight? She doesn’t look like a Bella. Besides there are a million little girls with the name Bella.”

“Wrong movie. This is the one you and your mom love.”

“Oh! The Sound of Music!” Sophie laughed, “Okay, Liesel, Marta, Brigietta, and Gretel. Gretel! That’s it! It’s perfect!”

“Here, Gretel,” Rylee called, and the dog licked her.

Rainey hadn’t said anything throughout this exchange but she had a happy smile on her face. I leaned down and whispered, “Did you have fun today?”

Her eyes sparkled as she answered, “It was so much fun. So many dogs found homes. There were so many sweet ones. I am going to ask my parents to adopt one.”

“I would love to have your help at the Shelter when you have time, Rainey,” Kara said.

“I should have a lot of time over my Christmas break, if you need me. Max, you should come too. You would love it.”

That was the only encouragement I needed. “I’d like that,” I said.

“Well that’s settled then! I will see you two in a couple weeks!” Kara hugged us all again and she was off. Rainey’s smile stayed put the rest of the day making me actually like the fact I had just offered to volunteer my Christmas break away.

Chapter 21


Monday afternoon I had a dentist appointment, so my mom picked me up at lunch and we went to grab a salad before I had to be there. It had been forever since the two of us had been out to lunch together. Before Garrett died we had gone often. So much was different now. By the time I got done with my check up school was out, so I asked mom if she would drop me off at Max’s.

Mrs. McKinley was on the porch when we pulled up, her arms full of Christmas lights, a step ladder beside her. My mom got out to say hello and ended up helping her arrange them around the front door. They seemed to have it under control so I left them to it and let myself in.

Max wasn’t hard to locate. Guitar chords floated down from his room and I headed up the stairs. I recognized the song. It was the one he still hadn’t put words to. The one called The Saddest Song. His eyes were closed as he played, and I stood in the doorway letting the haunting tune surround me. It was beautiful, and so was he, if you could call a Copyright 2016 - 2024