Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,9

feed people. I'm not asking to open a casino.”

Councilman Davis smiled; well, rather, he smirked. “No, I'm sure you'd have less difficulty with that.” He turned to face her. “Money talks.”

She leaned in, “Are you asking me for money to push this through?”

“That would be unethical.” He stared at her. “What I am telling you is that your ordinance is not on the docket for the next meeting. I don't think there are any other motions to discuss. Such a shame, but as I said, money talks.” He wiped his mouth and placed his cloth napkin down on the tablecloth. “Once again, lunch has been wonderful. Thank you.” He stood up, adjusted his cuffs and jacket, and walked out of the restaurant.

“Hey, is he leaving?” Skip, one of her full-time servers, stood with a payment folder in his hand.

“He is. Why?” She stood up and started stacking the man's plates.

“He didn't pay.” Skip blinked at her and looked at the padded folder in his hand.

She stood up and stared after the man. He stopped at the door and gave her a small salute before he walked out of the door. Well, son of a bitch. “His meal today is on the house.” Obviously. “Include your tip on the receipt.”

“Are you sure?” Skip looked from the door to the folder.

“You deserve payment for your time.” She grabbed the asshole's stack of dirty dishes and headed to the back of the establishment. What was she going to do now? Would he stop the ordinance change? They could feed hundreds of people a day. Thousands of meals throughout the year. She put the dishes down and headed to the front with a bin and her cleaning supplies. Thoughts raced through her mind until only one remained. How much money was the man talking about?

Chapter 3

Ryker watched his people filter from the conference room until only three remained. He leaned back in his chair and looked from Brody King to Terry Theron. “So, any updates from last night?”

“I received a call from Captain Jones while you were on the phone earlier. He indicated that both McBride and his partner Miller returned from taking samples and going through the scene during the daylight hours. No doubt about it, they are calling it arson.” Terrence leaned forward, his elbows planted on the conference room table. The veins under his rich brown skin popped vividly against his muscles. The man had about zero percent body fat and was a dedicated lifter like Ryker. Terrence had won a couple of regional bodybuilding championships. The stacked guy was about the nicest man on the planet––unless you were a scumbag or a suspect, then he was hell on wheels. Ryker had known him in passing for years, and he’d always liked the guy. He was damn glad to have him on the team.

“Figured as much.” Brody took a drink of his coffee.

“Autopsies scheduled for tomorrow?” He grabbed his mug and swirled the dregs of his second cup of coffee. The oil on top warned him not to drink it, but fuck it, he needed a boost. He downed the sludge and grimaced. “Who the fuck made the coffee?”

“I have no idea who made it, but it is nasty.” Brody yawned and launched his paper cup toward the wastebasket. “I called and verified the victims were on slate for examination tomorrow. Brock collected the heroin and logged it into evidence.” Brody yawned again. His entire body shook.

He glanced at Terry. His lieutenant gave him a slight nod. “King, you and Patel get your ass out of here and grab some sleep. Did you drive in with your wife?”

“Nah, we brought two cars. We usually do in case one of us gets stuck late, the other can pick up Gage.” Brody stood and stretched. “I think I’m too old for this shit, Boss.”

Ryker rubbed his eyes. “That makes two of us.” He yawned at the same time as Brody.

Terry chuckled. “Single men like me don’t have that problem. At least not on weeknights. Weekends, I’m wrecked.”

Brody dropped his hands and frowned. “You got a woman, Cap?”

Terry’s eyes widened when Ryker sent him a side-eyed glare. Terry cringed. “Shit, I just assumed everyone knew. Sorry, man.”

Brody raised both hands. “No worries. I can keep a secret. Glad you found someone. You’ll have to bring her to the next barbeque so we can meet her. Bet she’s one hell of a lady.”

“Has to be to keep this old dog from sniffing around.” Terry slapped

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