Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,73

could cost lives. Ryker looked up when the timer activated. He keyed his mic and issued the alert. “Team One, Two, and Three, two-minute warning.”

He heard the doors closing on the two assault vehicles next to the command van. The engines cranked and all three team leads acknowledged his warning.

He watched the clock as the digital display counted down. At exactly zero six hundred, he keyed his mic. “All teams, go.”

As expected, Team Three hit their building first. Patel logged the exact time of arrival as did his other people when teams One and Two arrived on scene. “All teams on scene. Deploy.” At his words, the body armor and helmet cams moved, and they watched in real-time as the teams advanced on the sites.

SWAT breached the buildings and a coordinated mayhem ensued. Each team worked to clear their facilities. They expected several non-hostile personnel at Lieutenant Theron’s site. King’s SWAT Team moved in with spotlights, speakers, and flashbangs. The plan for the hit squad’s confusion at the breach worked like a charm. Video screens showed handcuffed personnel being escorted from the scene, but his focus stayed on Team Two. The SWAT teams worked methodically to clear the downstairs area of the warehouse as quietly as possible. This was a stealth takedown, not a quick strike. Whispered check-ins cleared the area as they moved toward the stairs.

A gunshot rang through the comms. The noise froze every one of his teammates in the control vehicle and all eyes pinned to the monitor. “Shots fired! Squad Two, take overwatch.” Tiernan’s voice confirmed what they already knew and set his people into action.

Ryker switched his comms to speak to his JDET team outside the warehouse. “Shots fired inside. Keep your eyes peeled.” They acknowledged his command, and he flipped his mic off. There were seven different exits to that building.

“We have runners. East side of the building.”

“Shots fired. Officer down!”

One of his newer team members called in, “Shit, Dobson’s hit. I need backup!”

Ryker hit his mic. “Markel and Faison, back up O’Shay.” He turned to Patel. “Get an ambulance back there as soon as that area is clear of hostiles.”

O’Shay’s voice panted across the radio, “Cap, they’re heading west. They’re in the alley. Two males, black pants, white shirts, both armed. We have three stopped here.”

Ryker tossed his headset to Patel. “Get that BOLO out to patrols holding the outer cordon.”

Patel caught the headset with one hand but yelled, “Cap, wait!”

He spun at her call. She handed him a portable radio. “In case you need backup.” She put on the headset and sat down.

Ryker clipped the radio onto his waistband and sprinted to the east to intercept the men running west. He removed his arm from its sling as he ran, tossing the damn thing. He slowed to a jog and yanked his radio from his pocket, keeping the volume down as he listened to Patel lead the response. He slowed to a walk. There were two avenues of escape for the perps. They could take Friarwood Drive, which would expose them to any responding patrols, or they could keep to the alleyways. Ryker carefully moved to the path he’d take to avoid being seen. He slid into the alley and worked his way up about halfway, taking cover by an overflowing dumpster. His best chance to take down two perps without killing anyone, himself included, was the element of surprise. He moved a box in front of him as he heard the distinct sound of someone running on the pavement to his east.

He flexed his hand and extended his bad arm as best as possible as he waited. It was either one person, or the perps’ steps were in unison. He waited, hidden as they jogged past. Black slacks, white shirts. Ryker stood and pointed his weapon at the men. “Freeze! Police!”

The men skidded to a halt. “Put your hands up where I can see them.” He made his way through the rubble that had concealed him. “Higher. You on the right, drop to your knees.”

The man on the right dropped to his knees. “You on the left, walk forward five steps.” He couldn’t call in backup until they were both under control. As the other man walked forward, he used his cuffs to snag one of the other man’s wrists and had him on his stomach, cuffed in less than ten seconds.

Ryker approached the other man. “You don’t think I’m going to allow you to cuff me, do you, Captain Terrel?”

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