Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,45

her lips.

She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his lips. “I love you, too.” She leaned back and nodded toward the bag. He noticed the wince at the action, but she turned away and asked, “Hungry?”

“I could eat.” He nodded to the tiny table by the window. “Let’s sit there. I’m tired of being in bed. Are you sure you're okay?”

“You haven’t even been in bed twenty-four hours, and I'll be fine.” She was at his side as soon as he stood.

He held the hand she offered, noticing the way it shook. "You're trembling."

"I haven't eaten anything, and I've had a pot or twenty of coffee. You're shaking, too."

He chuckled. “I got dressed this morning and thought I’d run a marathon. Wiped me out.” He sat down and adjusted his position so he could face the table. “I slept most of the morning.”

She retrieved a massive burger and two large orders of waffle fries. “What did the doctor say?”

“He wants an x-ray this afternoon and then, if everything is good, he’ll release me tomorrow morning.”

Brie unwrapped his burger and poured his fries onto the wrapper. She shook down a ketchup packet and opened it, squirting the contents onto the wrapper so he could dip his fries. Her hand still trembled.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"What? Yeah. Mom called this morning.”

He took a drink of the massive, ice-cold soda and watched her, waiting for her to tell him what was actually happening. He'd been a cop for far too long not to trust his gut. Something else was going on, something she wasn't telling him. Brie cleared her throat. “She and Dad think it would be a good idea if you moved into Blay’s apartment until you figure out what happened last night.”

She tore her fry in half and nibbled on the damn thing. He could tell she was in pain, but she was trying not to show it. He dipped a fry into the ketchup and ate it before he responded. “First, we know what happened last night. Someone was trying to kill me. I will not put others at risk. What happened to you?”

Brie leaned back in the small chair and stared at him. “I told you, and we'll have to figure something out because you aren’t getting rid of me. Brody and Amber have guns.”

“And what about their kid?” Ryker picked up his burger with one hand and took a massive bite. He wasn't ready to give up on what really happened to her, but he'd reattack that later.

“Oh, like Mom wouldn’t love to have a reason to have Gage at the house.” Brie picked up her shake.

“I met him today, you know,” Ryker spoke around his food.

“Gage?” Brie’s eyebrows popped toward heaven.

“Blay. He was here this morning. Offered me the apartment temporarily.” He dipped another fry.

“He’s a good kid.” Brie nibbled on a fry. “It isn’t a bad idea.”

“The person I met today was a full-grown man, and it isn’t the best idea either.” Ryker shook his head. “I can get a room at a hotel.”

“Wouldn’t that put you at risk?”

“I don’t think so. I believe the people who shot at me were sending a message.” He leaned back and took a drink of his soda.

“So, us moving into a full apartment where I can cook us meals and take care of you is less preferable than us moving into a hotel room and having access to nothing.” She nodded her head. “Got it.”

“Manipulation.” He picked up the burger again. “Doesn’t work on me.” He took a bite and sat it down, wiping his chin with one of the paper-thin napkins that were in the bag.

“I don’t like the idea of a hotel.” She grabbed another fry and tore it into pieces, not really eating it. “Brody and Amber can load the apartment with food and bring our clothes from the house. You’d be able to heal, and I could hide for the next week with you. Roger has everything he needs, and he said he’d call if he ran into problems.”

A wave of exhaustion rolled through him. As much as he hated to admit it, hiding for a week sounded like a fantastic idea. Minus the day he’d have to travel to New York, it sounded perfect. “Okay, but make sure Blay isn’t doing this against his will.”

“Oh, I guarantee Mom probably guilted him into it, but welcome to our world.” Brie chuckled. “If you can’t think of something better by tonight, we’ll accept. And a

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