Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,42

come back.

Carefully, she got up and searched the ground. The bastards had taken her food, too. Great. She half-laughed and half-cried. Why in the hell would she notice that? What was she going to do? She turned and stared at the back door of the restaurant. If she went back in, she’d have to explain what happened. No, that would be a zoo. It seemed she was their target, and she was leaving for a week. By then, Roger would have the camera installed.

When they saw the security system, they’d find easier pickings. Growing up with cops in the house, she knew most small-time criminals targeted people who were unsuspecting and unprotected. She straightened and rolled her shoulders. No, there were a hell of a lot more important things going on right now. Two punks mugging her didn’t even come close to the top of the pile. She opened her SUV, got in, and locked the doors immediately.

She glanced at her face and winced. Damn it. Makeup would not cover that up. She started the vehicle and she made her way from the alley into the flow of traffic. She coasted through the drive-through lane of Famous Mike’s Burger Barn and ordered Ryker a double-double stacked. Double cheese, double meat, with everything on top of it. Two orders of waffle-cut fries, a large soda for him, and a chocolate shake for her. She’d eat her fries and drink the shake on the way to the hospital.

She moved forward to pay for the order and a young woman leaned out of the window and pointed toward the side of her face. “Oh, that looks like it hurts. What did you do? Hit yourself in the face with the car door? I’ve done that before. Man, did I feel stupid. That will be twenty-three fifty.”

Hell, that would work as an explanation, wouldn’t it? She wasn’t exactly accident prone, but she’d had her fair share of ungraceful moments. Twisting her ankle when she stepped off a curb, falling down a couple of steps when she wasn’t paying attention. “Actually, yeah, I did.”

“You want a cup of ice? You can hold it up against your face. Maybe it won’t bruise too much.”

“Thank you. That would be wonderful.” She handed the woman her debit card, which the cashier swiped and handed back to her.

“No worries. Pull up to the next window.” The woman shut her drive-through window and lowered her mic, taking the next order.

Brie collected her order and a large cup of ice. She’d eat at the hospital with Ryker instead of on the way. In the meantime, she pressed the thin cardboard against her cheek and prayed the ice held the swelling at bay.

“Hey, Cap.” At Brody’s greeting, Ryker opened his eyes. Damn, he’d fallen asleep again, hadn’t he?

“Hey.” He cleared his throat and glanced at the clock on the wall in his room. “Shit, those pain pills really kick my ass.”

“Well, yeah. That and, you know, major blood loss and surgery.” Brody grabbed one of the plastic chairs, spun it, and straddled it, his arms folded across the top of the chair. “I went to visit Mrs. Thorn this morning. She’s quite the character. Makes damn good cookies.” Brody smiled at him. “I had a bag full.” He reached in his pocket and produced a baggie with crumbs in it. “Didn’t quite make it here.”

“You’re an ass.” Ryker chuckled and hit the button on his bed to sit up higher.

“Yeah, but I’m a damn good detective.” Brody arched an eyebrow.

Ryker stilled. “What did you find?”

“That SUV parked down the street. Three days in a row. It was on the far side of her camera, parked down by the row of townhomes. They watched you come home. After you went into the house, they drove forward. Two men. The footage is too grainy to get an ID without tech enhancing it. They parked directly in front of Mrs. Thorn’s home and watched your house for about a half-hour, then they left.”

“You watched the entire feed? They didn’t come back later?”

Brody drew a breath. “You’re worried they saw Brie come to your house after closing the restaurant?”

He nodded. Worried? Damn it, it terrified him. Protecting the woman he loved was the only thing that mattered.

“So was I. I watched that video three times. They showed up about the time you left the precinct and headed home.” Brody rubbed his face. “Which means they were watching you and knew when you left work.”

“I’m assuming you’re

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