Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,34

four leaned forward when the one in the three-piece suit talked to the nurse. Ah, they probably just found out about a loved one’s surgery.

She closed her eyes and relived the phone call she’d received from Amber. The confusion and then the terror that raced through her and then the profound urgency to be with Ryker were still so fresh and raw. She knew what that family was going through and she wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

“Excuse me. Are you Brianna?”

Her eyes popped open. The men from the nurse’s station formed a semi-circle around her chair. Not close enough to make her feel uncomfortable, but she stood up anyway. “Yes.”

A soft smile spread across his face. “I’m Xander, this is Killian, Elias, and the one on the end is Dimitri.”

Brie glanced at the other men and then looked back at... Xander. “I’m sorry, should I know you?”

The smile fell from the man’s lips. “Ah, perhaps not, although we’d hoped. We are Ryker’s half-brothers.”

Brie smiled and ran her hand through her hair. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I knew he had a large family, but we haven’t talked much about you.”

“There are the four of us besides Ryker. How is he?”

“He’s out of surgery and awake. They just moved him up here and his lieutenant and sergeant are with him now.” She motioned to the room as the lieutenant walked out. He smiled at her and headed down the hall in the opposite direction.

“Our father said that you were his girlfriend?”

“I am.” They were more than that, but she didn’t share that information. She motioned to the chairs. “Would you like to sit down?”

“Thank you.” They all took a seat and then Xander spoke again. “What happened?”

“Well, I just have the broad picture. From what I understand, he was at home and someone shot at him through the front picture window.”

The lieutenant and two other men went back into Ryker’s room. She sighed and realized Ryker’s brothers had been watching the door, too.

Finally, the one in work clothes, Killian, cleared his throat. “I knew being a cop was dangerous, but damn it, I never thought he’d be shot. I mean, he’s a captain. Isn’t that a desk job?”

She chuckled. “For some it would be, but he’s the Captain of the Joint Drug Enforcement Team. He is in the field with his people. Most of their busts are enormous and usually very successful. He and his team have received at least five meritorious service awards.” Probably more, but that was the count she had since Brody started working on the team. Her dad was damn proud of the work the team had done and bragged on them often.

All four men exchanged looks with each other. “What?” She had a feeling she’d let a cat out of the bag.

She bit her bottom lip and glanced at the door just as Brody walked out. She jumped up. “Is everything okay?”

He held up a hand, stopping her from asking another question. “Everything is fine, Brie. Do you have Ryker’s phone?” Brody examined the men who stood when she did. He stuck his hand out to the nearest man. “Detective Brody King.”

Xander performed the introductions again. “Are you related to Brianna? You have a striking resemblance.”

Brody smiled politely and glanced at her before he answered, “I’m her brother.”

Brie could see the confusion and unasked questions in Brody’s expression. “They are Ryker’s brothers.”

Brody blinked. That Ryker had brothers startled Brody. She could read him well enough to know the info had set him back a step. “Brothers? Cool. Good to meet you.” He turned his attention to her. “We’ll be done shortly, but I know the nurses will probably kick you to the curb soon as it is well after visiting hours. Why don’t you go home and come back in the morning? You look exhausted.”

She shook her head adamantly. “It is going to take a crowbar and one hell of a lot more muscle than a fussy nurse to get me out of here before I see him again.”

Heat rose to her face when a spattering of laughter from the men beside her registered. Brody chuckled, too. “Okay, okay. I’ll take the phone, and if the nurses try to call security, let me know and I’ll flash my badge for you.”

“Thank you.” She handed him Ryker’s phone and ran a shaking hand through her hair.

“I guess we won’t be able to see him tonight. Would you mind taking my card? If you could give us updates, we’d

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