Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,14

that give us a terrible reputation. Fenton grew up during the old regime, the old days of give and take and deals made under the table. He’s a product of his upbringing, but until he fucks up bad enough, he’s still in our chain of command.” Ryker eyed both of his... friends. “I and I alone will do anything that does not directly comply with department policy. Do we understand each other?”

Terry jolted in the chair he’d reclined in. “What the hell, Ryker? He’s after you. If we do something out of bounds, he’s not even going to notice.” Brody nodded his agreement.

“That’s where you’re wrong. He tipped his hand this morning. He wants to dismantle this team and he’ll take a shot at anyone to discredit us. No, I’ll go to the Deputy Commissioner. They have directed me to take anything involving Fenton to her. She’ll make the call. That way, we’re all covered. Brody, as always, you do not have clearance to speak to your father about any of this without going through the chain of command, just like any other officer on any other case.”

“I’ve never overstepped before, Cap. I won’t start now.” Brody shook his head. “Wish like fuck I could bend his ear, though. Fenton is a weasel.”

“That’s Colonel Weasel to you.” A corner of his mouth twisted up when both men belted laughs.

“Watson and Rayburn are babysitting Mouse. Is the surveillance set up for the FBI’s favor?”

Terry nodded. “Yeah, Brody and I just finished the roster. We have Cantrell and Lewis inbound. They said they got something from their CI.”

He thought for a moment. “They’re tracking the rumor of the cocaine shipments through the airport?”

“Yep. Mention of coke coming in via the airport has bubbled to the surface in three different interviews.” Terry glanced at his watch. “They should be here in twenty minutes.”

“Okay. You and Brody take this and run with it. Business as usual, except for Mouse detail. If anyone makes inquires, she’s not here. I don’t want to lose my best source of intel on the streets.”

“That works. Nobody’s going to ask, though. Not from this team, at least. We meet anyone asking about our shit with a stone wall. When we know our captain is being watched? Nobody is getting any intel.” Brody stood and nodded to the door. “Want me to close this?”

“No. I’m going to Central and speak with the Deputy Commissioner in person.” He grabbed his keys and followed his men from his office. He glanced at the clock and rolled his eyes. It was going to be a long fucking day.

Chapter 4

“I'm just about ready to get out of here. What about you?” Chef Roger peeked around the corner of the door.

Brianna glanced up from the deposit slip she was tallying. “I am. Hang on for just a minute and I'll walk with you.” She glanced at the clock on her wall. “Why are you still here?”

He shrugged. “Tomorrow is chowder day.”

“Ah, the sourdough bowls. Are they ready to go into the proofer? I can put them in the oven when I get here in the morning.” She could slip in early and then go to the gym with Ryker before the day started.

“No, that's okay. We should be fine. Carol is coming in early to help me. The new fishmonger is dropping off our clams first thing. We are going to have a coffee and then get to shelling those clams.”

“You know we could order them shelled.”

“But why? It costs you more and we don't know how fresh they are. This way, I know my food is as fresh as possible.” His bright green eyes flashed, and he smiled.

“You'd go harvest them yourself if you could, wouldn't you?”

“I would, and that is a perfect segue into this topic. What do you think about opening an organic, sustainable ingredient restaurant?” Roger leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees.

Okay. That was one hell of a leap. “You realize that I'm just now turning a profit on this place, right?” She set her pen by the receipts she'd tallied.

“I do, but I also realize that this business was in very poor shape when you bought it. You not only had to rebuild it, you had to change people's perception about the establishment to bring the city back through those doors, and you've done that. We have a line out the door for lunch service and reservations for dinner are booked solid for almost three weeks. This

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