Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,8

Street, I mentally went through my checklist again. I was so nervous about the opening.

Suddenly I heard a swooshing noise, followed by the car sounding like it was dragging the ground. I pulled over to the side of the road, rolled my window down, and stuck my head out just enough to hear it better as I slowed to a stop.

I had a flat tire, which was the last thing I needed right now.

I slammed my car in park and banged on the steering wheel as I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Ugh! I can’t believe my luck.” I shoved my car door open and looked back toward the rear wheel. Seeing the flat tire only made me more agitated. I walked over, lifted my foot, and kicked it.

“Goddammit,” I yelled, as if that would somehow magically fix the flat. I kicked it a few more times.

The sound of someone clearing their throat startled me. I let out a yelp as I spun around. Two men were standing behind me.

“We didn’t mean to startle you, but I don’t think kicking it is gonna help matters much.” His deep, husky voice made my heart race.

“No, but it sorta made me feel a little better.” I shrugged and leaned against my car in defeat.

“You got a spare?”

His voice broke my trance. I didn’t realize until that moment that I had been staring at the stunningly handsome man standing before me. He had dark hair, light scruff covering his jaw, and those eyes…even in the darkness and lit only by the streetlight, they were mesmerizing. His gaze was locked on me too, as if he was trying to read my thoughts to figure out why I was gawking at him.

I blinked a few times and looked to his side, where another man was standing. I finally realized they were cops—two very good-looking cops—and they were both smiling at me, waiting for me to speak. I was sure they were mentally making fun of the tantrum I’d been throwing and how quiet and stunned I was now.

“If you have a spare, we could change it over for ya,” the slightly shorter cop said. He was grinning from ear to ear, his eyes bright with amusement. He was definitely the more cheerful of the two; he just had that fun-guy kind of look.

“Um,” I stuttered. The taller, more appealing cop kept staring at me, and excitement filled my stomach. I suddenly felt nervous and a little self-conscious about my appearance. He was gorgeous, and I knew I must have appeared somewhat homely in my old, torn jeans shorts and a shirt that had seen better days. My hair was piled on top of my head in a wild mess. I had to look ridiculous. I was worn out from my day of endless preparation, and I had no makeup on. I hadn’t even thought to clean myself up before I left the bakery.

“Darlin’?” the shorter cop said. I realized I still hadn’t answered his question.

As I looked back at Mr. Tall and Appealing, I could tell by his cocky grin that he sensed my attraction to him. I smiled and quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks hot.

“I’m sure I have one in the trunk,” I replied as I popped the trunk lid with my key fob and tried to refrain from looking back at the man who had my insides in knots. I was so nervous my palms were sweating. I wondered if he was still watching me, but I wouldn’t look. I couldn’t get caught staring again. He would think I was really weird.

The shorter, blond cop stepped up to my side and leaned forward. “I’m Officer Sawyer. Noah Sawyer,” he said, winking at me before he began loosening the spare beneath the flap in my trunk. After it was free, he pulled it upward and leaned back away from the car, taking the tire with him. “That mute guy over there,” he said, pointing to the taller of them, “is Sergeant Sawyer, or Ryan, if you prefer the more personal introduction.”

“Sawyer?” I asked, looking back and forth between them before settling on the overly friendly one.

“Yeah, we’re brothers. But I’m the more manly,” he said with another wink before busying himself once again.

I took a chance and looked back at the other cop. The grin pulling at his lips made me smile in return. He nodded and stayed quiet, though he kept staring at me slyly, which only made my heart race even more.


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