Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,58

to say that, or was that a drunk slip-up?

Jackson leaned in and placed one hand on each arm of her chair, then lowered himself until his face was only inches from hers. “I can reassure you, baby, I can go all night long, and I don’t need a little blue pill to make that possible.”

She tilted her head back and looked up at him with a puzzled expression.

He smiled and licked his lower lip, and the way he looked at Bailey, showing sure signs of lust, was causing me to feel a little overheated. Jackson’s sexual energy seemed to flow off him in waves. He never tried to hide it, and he sure as hell didn’t care who was around when he decided to lay it on even thicker.

His lips were so close to hers that it looked as if he was going to kiss her. Instead, he murmured, “When you’re not so drunk, I’ll show you just how long I can go. I’m pretty damn sure I can outlast you, sweetheart.”

Bailey turned her head in my direction, suddenly looking a little more sober than she had three minutes ago. Our gazes locked, and her eyes widened just a little. “I meant to say Valium,” she whispered in horror.

The guys chuckled, doing their best to muffle it with their hands. I too wanted nothing more than to break out in laughter, but I had to be the supportive friend to my inebriated buddy. “I knew exactly what you meant, Bay. They’re just being typical men.”

Ryan tickled my side, and I swatted his hand away. Now was not the time. I had to keep a straight face, and he was making that even harder to accomplish.


The last six weeks have been unbelievable. I’d grown closer to Ryan, and Olivia had truly allowed me in as well. She and I had become friends, and I loved her as much as I loved her father.

I had spent a lot of time at their house, and Olivia even spent the night with Bailey and me a few times. In fact, that girls’ night at our apartment was one of my favorite times with her. I couldn’t remember ever laughing so hard. Olivia truly is an amazing, fun-loving girl, and she fit right in with Bailey and me. It was almost scary how well she could handle us.

“No, not your right foot. I said your left foot,” Olivia said, trying to teach me a dance called the pony swing. The twang in her voice always made it hard for me not to laugh, especially when she got so worked up. Olivia pointed at my feet, laughing through her instructions. “Don’t you know the difference between your left and right?”

“Okay, okay.” I tried to be serious, but the moment I looked up and our eyes met, I broke out in laughter once more. “It’s hopeless, you do know that, right?” I asked as I hunched over, holding my stomach. My ribs felt like they were on fire from our continuous giggling, and my cheeks ached from smiling.

Ryan sat on the deck drinking a beer while I failed to follow Olivia’s instructions out on the lawn. I was completely hopeless at the dance and swore I had no chance of ever learning it. All that hip swinging and arms tangling and twisting were entirely too complicated. I had to look like a crazy girl running from a swarm of bees. Ryan’s occasional chuckle from the porch only made concentrating on her instructions harder. Each time my gaze met his, I would only laugh more.

I was just glad I was entertaining to them, allowing them the chance at happiness. Their laughter intertwined, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And if I had to make a fool out of myself to hear it, I was more than happy to oblige.

I would honestly do just about anything for the two of them. They had quickly become my family.



Six months later…

Life was too short, and it could all change in the blink of an eye. One day you have it all, a beautiful wife, the perfect daughter, only to have it come crashing down around you when you least expect it.

I never thought for one second I would have been burying my wife at the age of thirty, being left to raise our young daughter alone. I had never planned for something like that. I mean, who truly does?

We all have the tendency to grow into a comfortable pattern

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