Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,52

back, I looked down at her, staring into her big, beautiful brown eyes as every feeling I felt for Amber over the last few months washed over me all at once. All the patience she had shown me and her compassion for not only me but for my daughter pulled at my heart.

Her brown hair fanned out over my pillow as she looked up at me in awe. I leaned in and kissed her lips gently before pulling back once more.

“I’ve fallen in love with you, sweetheart, and being here with you is exactly where I was meant to be. Even after everything I believe we were meant to meet.” Her eyes glistened as she continued to watch me. “I love you, Amber Dirksen, and even if you try, I won’t let you get away again, ever.” I lowered my lips to hers, and just before I took her mouth in a sweet, slow kiss, she whispered in return.

“I love you too, Ryan. So much.”


Waking up to Amber fanned out over my chest was the best way to start my day, and her being naked just made it even better.

I folded the pillow behind my head, propping myself up a little higher. It made looking down at her that much easier. Her lips were puffy and held in a shape that resembled a pout. Her breaths were more like light pants, and I grinned as I listened to each one. She looked so peaceful and almost angelic. I traced my finger along her bare shoulder, and she moaned faintly as she curled in closer.

I think I could have stayed there in bed with her all day, just watching her sleep. The moment she began to move around more, I froze, doing everything I could to keep her asleep just a little longer. I just wasn’t ready to let her go yet. I felt a tinge of disappointment when her eyes fluttered open. But the sweet smile that spread out over her lips washed it all away.

“Good morning, handsome,” she cooed. Placing a kiss on my chest, she then slowly shifted her body. She slid one leg over my waist to straddle me, and my excitement grew with the idea of her making love to me in this position. She seemed to have read my thoughts, because she reached between us and began rubbing my hardness against her.

“It’s a very good morning,” I said just before I felt myself slip inside her warmth, and her hips shifted forward, taking me all the way inside her.

“Oh yes, and it just got a whole lot better.” Her voice was laced with sexual need. Before I could respond, she began to swivel her hips, and all thoughts I may have had of any type of comeback immediately disappeared.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I stretched my arms above my head, a satisfied smile spreading out over my face as I thought about last night. I was sore, but the ache felt delicious.

My smile only grew wider as I turned my head to the side. Ryan was asleep next to me on his stomach. His arms were folded and tucked beneath his head. He had let his stubble grow out—on purpose or not, I didn’t know—but I needed to remind him to shave. I loved the stubble, but not the beard he had let it grow into. His face was entirely too handsome to be hidden.

I knew if he opened his eyes right at that moment, I would look like a creeper. I was scanning his features, appreciating every single inch, smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I couldn’t for the life of me ever remember being as cheerful as I was right then.

I slowly and very carefully slipped from the bed and pulled his T-shirt on over my head.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I looked around for something to throw together for breakfast. The idea of cooking for him was the first thought that came to me after I got over my need to fully enjoy waking up next to him. I decided on whipping up toast and a couple veggie omelets. The fridge was almost empty though, so I worked with what I had.

I was in the middle of mixing the eggs when I found one of Olivia’s fashion magazines on the counter and became engrossed in an article about how to make your legs appear longer—the dos and don’ts, so to speak. I had set the egg mixture aside and was slightly hunched over

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