Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,45

friend. After the death of her brother, he sort of stepped in and became Bailey’s support system. When her own parents fell apart and eventually just completely wrote Bailey off, Carl was the only family she had left.

“Will you go over to Amber’s old place and get a small box of things she left behind? Apparently Mr. Dickhead is desperate to have them picked up. Also, punch him in the face for me before he can close the door.”

Bailey laughed at something Carl said. “Well yeah, that would work too, but if you do that, make sure you take a picture of the douche holding his nuts in agony before you walk away.”

I waited for her to tell Carl good-bye before I asked, “Do you mind telling me what got you so worked up?” Her behavior was brought on by something more than me needing to pick up the small box. It had to be more.

“He’s marrying that skank,” she squealed. “He said she wouldn’t move in until all your things were gone, and since you moved without leaving a forwarding address, he had no idea how to get the box to you. I mean, honestly, just throw the shit out. You left it there because it was shit you didn’t care about, but he’s just being an asshat about it.”

I bit down on my lip and tried to fight off the bubbling laughter. Bailey cocked an eyebrow at me and waited for me to start cussing and throwing things, but I could no longer contain myself.

“An incurable disease which leads to your dick falling off. Oh wait, it would turn green first, then fall off,” I said as I broke out in laughter. “He really got to you, didn’t he?”

I leaned back against the counter as she narrowed her eyes at me, trying to remain serious. “How in the hell are you able to laugh about this? He cheated on you, and now he’s going to move that whore in and marry her.”

“Bay, listen to me.” She sat down on the stool with a defeated groan. “He did me a favor. Imagine if I hadn’t caught him cheating. Imagine that I’d gone through with the plan to marry him.” I cocked an eyebrow at her. I hoped she was envisioning the disaster my life would have been if I’d stayed with Kevin.

After a long silence, she began to calm down as my words finally sank in. The idea of what our lives would have been like had we stayed in Chicago was something we both hated to think about.

The moment it all made sense to her was comical. Her face softened, and her nose wrinkled in disgust. “Well, okay, fine. I’ll admit it, you’re right. But I still hope Carl breaks his nose.” A smile spread across her face. “Or his dick,” she added, shrugging. We both laughed as we thought of Kevin backing away, begging for Carl to spare him.

“Oh yeah, and Carl said he would mail the box next week.”

“Oh God, tell him not to bother. It’s just random shit Kevin gave me. Tell him to donate it or burn it.” I honestly couldn’t care less.” Nothing in that box meant anything to me. It was all from my past—a past I no longer wanted any part of.


It had been over three weeks since I last saw Ryan. Every day that passed should have been easier, but being away from him only seemed to get harder.

The moment he stepped into the dining area of the bakery, my heart felt as if it had literally stopped, and the dryness of my mouth made my tongue feel like it was three sizes bigger than it was meant to be. As he took his first step in my direction, my heart began to race. When he approached the counter and laid a five dollar bill next to the register, I could only stare up at him.

“Can I get a coffee, please?” he asked.

I had a flashback of the night Noah and Ryan found me stranded with a flat. Ryan was stern and withdrawn that night, cold in the same way he was now. He sounded nothing like the man I had grown to care about so deeply.

I nodded as I turned to the coffee machine and began filling a travel cup. My hands were trembling, and I hoped he hadn’t noticed.

When I turned back around, he was staring off at something, avoiding me. I placed the cup only inches from

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