Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,26

was lost in all things Amber.

I nipped at her lip before pulling back to look down at her, and she followed me, chasing after my mouth for more. She was lightly panting, and her lips were reddened from our kiss. She looked absolutely beautiful.

I glided my thumb over her lower lip and lowered my hand back down to grip the reins. “Let’s take a ride,” I whispered. She nodded in agreement, biting on her lower lip. I repositioned her body back against mine before I nudged Storm along once again.

Being with Amber felt so right, it was almost scary. In the back of my mind, my guilt about Claire sat heavy, pulling at me every chance it got. I felt like I was cheating on her, but I knew that was a feeling I needed to let go of. I’d just never imagined I would kiss a woman other than the girl I fell in love with at a very young age.


“So this is where you grew up?” she asked as she walked out onto the dock at the lake. She turned back to look over her shoulder, then lowered herself to sit on the edge.

“Yeah,” I said as I took a few steps closer. Her face lit up with excitement as she removed her boots. My eyes were locked on her as she began rolling up of the legs of her jeans. She smiled brightly while lowering her feet in to the lake, laughing when the coldness of the water first touched her skin.

She tapped the space next to her. “Join me.” Hopeful anticipation oozed from her statement.

Without hesitating, I began removing my own boots and socks. After cuffing each pant leg, I took a seat next to her and lowered my feet into the water. “Damn, that’s cold.” I shivered from the icy impact.

She giggled at my reaction and reared back as I kicked at the water, splashing her legs.

Before I could stop her, Amber lifted my hat off my head and placed it on her own. I cocked my brow at her, smiling at how relaxed she had become. Even though the shy girl was still there, she’d let down her guard, and another side of her was shining through.

She raised her hand once more and combed her fingers through my hair. I caught them and pulled her hand toward my mouth, and she watched closely as I placed a soft kiss against her wrist. The entire exchange felt so natural. I was amazed at just how comfortable we were becoming with each other in such a short time. It was as if we’d been sharing tender moments like these for years.

She turned back to the lake, a bright smile covering her mouth as she swung her foot in a circular motion, causing the water to slosh around our feet. “I could stay right here and be perfectly happy. It’s peaceful, like nothing out there beyond our view matters.” She closed her eyes, tilting her head toward the sky, and took in a deep breath. “It even smells pure. Nothing smells this great in the city,” she whispered.

I swallowed hard, acknowledging in that moment just what Amber was doing to me. I never in my life imagined another woman being capable of making me feel this way.

“You’re so beautiful.” The statement fell from my lips without a second thought.

She opened her eyes and looked over at me. The gentleness in them warmed my heart and made me feel so comfortable. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You’re not so bad yourself, Cowboy.”

Chapter Fourteen


Our night together was perfect.

Ryan was perfect.

I hadn’t wanted to ruin our date by bringing up Olivia’s visit, but it still sat heavy on my mind. I was more than positive he understood how much his actions affected her, and I knew I couldn’t hide my meeting with her. I wouldn’t want him to feel as if I was unable to be honest with him

We were sitting in his truck outside the entrance to my apartment. After a long day at the ranch, where we road Storm over the entire property, we called it a night. As he skimmed his thumb over the side of my neck, I closed my eyes and focused solely on the way my body reacted to his touch. He was gentle, and with each passing moment I felt more and more comfortable being near him.

With his arm rested across the back of his truck seat, he turned toward me. My eyes fluttered

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