Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,12

and allow me to make a complete fool of myself before you put a stop to my ridiculous show?”

“Mr. Tall, Dark, and Lickable didn’t think it was ridiculous. In fact, I’m pretty sure he was enjoying every little shake of your ass. His eyes were following your every move.” She smiled brightly. “He seriously had no idea I was even standing behind him.”

“I want to hurt you right now.” I shoved off the door and walked toward the kitchen. When I got to the window just off the bathroom, I peeked out through the blind, trying to get a view of him.

Ryan was hunched over at the waist, crossbar in hand, loosening the lug nuts on my wheel. His butt was up in the air, and his defined arms flexed beneath the tight T-shirt that covered them.

Bailey stepped up next to me to watch. “Mm,” she cooed. “Now that man is very yummy.” I elbowed her side and she giggled. “You are so into him,” she declared as she stepped back to observe my face.

“How can I be into him? I just met him last night.” She was being ridiculous. I barely knew the guy.

“Okay, maybe I should say that you’re crushing on the sergeant.” She wiggled her brows in a suggestive manner. “Maybe you could put in a request for him to strip-search you. After the look on his face earlier, I’m sure he would be more than happy to serve and protect.”

“You’re foul.” I pushed her back and walked out of the bathroom.

She giggled, following behind me. “Nope, I’m just honest.”

She was enjoying my misery entirely too much.


In attempt to try to redeem myself, I straightened my clothes, slipped on a pair of sandals, and repositioned my ponytail on my head. I was loading some freshly baked cookies into the display cases when the front door opened. I allowed myself one last calming breath before I turned to face Ryan. Immediately my lungs deflated and my rapid heartbeat returned. He honestly took my breath away. His eyes were amazing, and he had a strong jaw and the most alluring set of lips. Everything about him was a sensory overload. I felt like a pent-up housewife who’d gone without sex for a year whenever he was near me. The saliva in my mouth thickened, and I immediately became speechless.

“You’re all set, Amber.” The way he said my name gave me chills. He almost whispered it, as if he was testing it out, seeing how it felt to say it out loud.

“I really appreciate you fixing it and putting it back on. Do I owe you anything?” I asked.

His face relaxed just a bit, and his lips lifted in a smirk. “No, sweetheart, you don’t owe me anything.”

My heart beat faster at that endearing name.

“You opening up today?” he asked.

“Yeah, actually with all the festivities this afternoon and tonight, we thought today would bring in a crowd.” I shrugged. “Hopefully anyway.”

“Well,” he began, looking around the room, “everyone around town adored Helen. She was an amazing lady. I’m sure this place will take off.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “I hope you’re right.”

“I usually am,” he said, confidence rolling off him. As he turned and walked toward the door, my heart pounded at the idea of him leaving. I wanted to ask him to stay, offering a cookie, something, anything, but my mouth wouldn’t move.

He paused at the door, his hand resting on the handle. As he looked back over his shoulder, his gaze fell to my feet. “I prefer the cute fuzzy slippers.” He winked just before pushing the door open and walking out.

My body sagged back against the countertop, still holding the tray of cookies in my hand.

“Smooth, Amber,” Bailey said from the doorway of the kitchen, a huge grin stretched out across her lips. I wanted to strangle her. Instead I settled for picking up a cookie from my tray and heaving it in her direction. She moved just in time for it to smack against the wall behind her and fall to the floor.

Her laughter was contagious.

I had to find my voice around that man. If I didn’t, he was sure to think I was missing the ability to function around men. I was puzzled at the effect he had on me. Sure, he was unbelievably attractive and appealing, but he had a kindness about him that almost made me feel safe. It was a strange thing to feel, considering we had just met, but it was a feeling

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