Ruthless Kings - Laura Lee Page 0,3

to need you to wait in the waiting room. Someone will come to get you if Miss Callahan is open to receiving visitors."

“Fuck that.” Kingston shoots out of his chair. “I’m the one who found her. I called 911! I’m the reason she’s here!”

Dr. Yates holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “Sir, please don’t make me call security. My patient has every right to request privacy.”

Kingston kicks the leg of the chair before shooting a glare in my direction. “Fine. But I’m not leaving this fucking hospital. We are not done with this conversation.”

The doctor watches Kingston charge out of the room before speaking again. “Would you like a moment before I continue?”

I’m freakin’ exhausted, but I want to get this over with. “No. Now is fine.”

He clears his throat. "When you arrived, you were suffering from a knife wound to your lower abdomen, blood loss, and contusions over several parts of your body. A CT scan revealed some internal bleeding, likely from the blunt trauma, so we needed to perform an exploratory laparotomy. Fortunately, the blade missed your intestines, and the leaking blood vessels were easily repaired.

"Your wrist suffered a distal radius fracture, which is why your arm is currently encased in a splint. I have no plans to switch that to a hard cast but won't know for sure until the swelling goes down a bit. Additionally, you have a mild concussion, which may cause temporary confusion, memory loss, or sensitivity to light or sound. We'll need to keep you under observation for about a week, considering your body is healing from several injuries at once. If all goes well, you should feel remarkably better in two to three weeks and fully recuperated in six to eight weeks.”

I blow out a breath. “That’s a lot to take in at once.”

“It is, although I’d say you’re a lucky young woman. The outcome could’ve been much worse if any major organs were perforated.” He pauses for a moment. “Do you have any questions?”

I’m questioning everything right now, but I can’t focus long enough on any one thing. “I’m tired.”

"Understandable." Dr. Yates nods. "I'll let you get some rest. Just let the nurses know if you think of any questions, and they can page me."

My lids start to flutter as he leaves the room. “Kristi?”

My nurse comes back into view. “Yes, hun?”

“Can you please make sure no visitors come into my room? I don’t want anyone in here while I sleep—especially the guy who was here before.”

She lifts her eyebrows. "Is that boy hurting you, honey? Did he do this to you?"

“No,” I mumble. “He definitely wasn’t one of them. I just...I need to know no one will come in here while I’m asleep.”

Kristi pats my arm. “Of course. I’ll make sure the other nurses know as well.”

I fully close my eyes, comforted by her assurance. Just because Kingston didn’t physically assault me, doesn’t mean he wasn’t behind it. Maybe I’ll feel differently once I’m clearheaded, but right now, every person I’ve met since my mom died is a suspect.



I’m livid as I make my way to the waiting room. Bentley, Reed, and my sister are all sitting in chairs, waiting for an update, but I have other matters to address first. Bentley stands when he sees me approach and braces himself, likely from my obvious rage.

I grab a fistful of his shirt and slam him back into the wall. “Why the fuck did you leave her? This would’ve never happened if you did what I told you to do!”

His nostrils flare. “Fuck you, man. This shit isn’t my fault.”

“The hell it’s not!”

Reed pulls me off Bent. “Calm the hell down before you get us all kicked out of here.”

I start pacing the small room, trying to murder Bentley with my eyes.

My sister tugs on my arm. “Kingston, sit down and tell us what happened. Is she awake yet?”

I take the farthest seat away from the target of my ire. “Yes, she’s awake. And she kicked me out of her room.”

Ainsley’s eyebrows draw together. “Why would she do that?”

“Because she thinks I had something to do with her assault. Can you believe that shit? What in the actual fuck? If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s that asshole’s. He’s the one who left her vulnerable to whoever attacked her.” I fling my arm in Bentley’s direction.

He flips me off. “Fuck you. You told me you were right behind me. How was I supposed to know you got delayed when you Copyright 2016 - 2024