The Russian's Furious Fiancee Page 0,6

quick reflexes, which allowed him to reach out and catch the delicate china cup before it too fell to the ground, she would be stepping over shattered porcelain as well as being embarrassed. “Saved,” he said softly and looked down into her moonlit features.

The man she’d been doing so well to avoid, who had made her stomach tighten with nerves and her hands shake, was now standing less than an inch from her, their toes almost touching and his breath warm on her cheek.

“Where did you come from?” she gasped and tried to step back, but the chair she’d been intending to sit down into was right behind her and she almost fell. Again, the man’s quick reflexes saved the night and instead of falling down, she felt herself pulled forward by a strong arm wrapped around her waist, the arm pulling her up against his hard body and Eva gasped, surprised at how strong he was. This wasn’t a man with just a good tailor, she realized. This was a man with a good gym. A well used gym, she noted as her hands reached out to steady herself by placing her hands on his arms, her fingers automatically flexing against the muscles under the expensive tuxedo material.

“I’m fine now,” she said softly and tried to step back, but his arm wouldn’t release her.

“I know you are,” he replied, just as softly.

She waited a tense moment, but when she felt his arm tighten instead of release, she became worried. “Please let me go,” she whispered.

“And if I don’t?” he asked with amusement.

“I’ll….” She couldn’t think of a good enough threat. Or even a lame one that might make him release her. All she wanted was some privacy and his invasion was throwing her off, both physically and mentally.

“Will you scream?” he teased.

She thought about it for a moment but couldn’t think of a better idea. “I might.”

He instantly chuckled. “You won’t.”

She bristled at his confident tone, irritated that he thought he knew her so well when he didn’t even know her name. “How do you know I won’t? You don’t even know me.”

She saw those gorgeous lips smile in the dappled moonlight and shivered slightly, her mind instantly wondering what it would be like to be kissed by this man.

“I’ve been watching you, Eva. You’re a very beautiful woman and I think we’ll work out well together.”

His hand slid down her back, and she was startled when she felt his hand stray ever so slightly to her bottom before moving away.

She hated the heat that surged through her with his touch, thinking she should be offended instead of excited. She was, actually, but the heat was stronger and she reacted instinctively, lashing out at the threat in the only way she knew how. With anger. “Don’t do that!” she snapped, and took her empty cup of tea and sat down. “I believe you’re expected at the party.”

He didn’t leave, nor did he sit down, which put her in a more vulnerable position by making her look up at him. “And your father has been trying to introduce us all night. You’ve been avoiding me.” He shifted slightly so that his shoulder was leaning against one of the thick tree trunks beside him. “Why is that, do you suppose?”

She shrugged and decided not to strain her neck by trying to see his face. “At the risk of angering my father, I don’t like the look you have about you. You’re not my type, so I didn’t want to be introduced even though my father was keen on the idea.” She couldn’t gauge his response due to the dim light anyway, so she shouldn’t even try. “You don’t take the hint very well, do you?”

“Not well, no.” He chuckled and looked at her through the darkness. “A more interesting topic of conversation would be why you don’t like my looks.”

Eva took a sip of her tea and shrugged. “It isn’t your looks that bother me. It’s the way you’ve been looking at me that I find offensive.”

“What’s that look?”

“There’s something in your eyes that seems to be claiming possession of me and I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

He slid his hands into his pockets and shifted slightly, almost leaning forward as if to see her more clearly in the dim light. “What kind of look would you allow that might be considered appropriate?”

She sighed with frustration and sat up higher in the seat, wishing she didn’t feel so small next to him. Copyright 2016 - 2024