The Russian's Furious Fiancee Page 0,53

than a decade’s history.

Was she really in love with Damon?

She hated him. How could she be in love with him? That was ridiculous.

But as she stood there in his office, she tested the idea and sighed with resignation. She was in love with him. She didn’t understand how her mind had changed so dramatically, and in less than two weeks but it was true. She’d fought so hard against his claims, refusing to give an inch.

Until last night.

Her knees gave out on her and she sank into the soft leather sofa, grateful for its support. She couldn’t believe how she’d changed, how her life was so much more exciting now that Damon was in it. She genuinely looked forward to their evenings together, relishing their arguments. No other man could make her as furious as Damon. And no man could make her shiver with excitement and make her so crazy with desire like he could.

Yes, she was deeply in love with the arrogant man.

She should tell him. She should just throw herself into his arms and thank him for being so conceited and arrogant and not giving in when she was horribly rude to him.

A fraction of a second after she came to this decision, the door to his office slammed shut and an enraged Damon was striding toward her, fire in his brown eyes and she could practically see the steam blowing out of his ears as he slammed the office door and closed the distance between them. He was furious although she had no idea why. Hadn’t she come here to confront him? How the tables had turned, she thought and braced herself for the fight.

“Where the hell did you go this morning?” he demanded, striding towards her and glaring down into her eyes.

“I went to my class,” she replied, remaining calm despite his anger.

“And you decided not to wake me up and let me know?”

“You were asleep. And we’d been up…well…a lot last night,” she finally finished, her cheeks burning at the memory of her part in the waking.

“Don’t ever leave me!” he commanded.

She thought about his wording, considered her options and took a deep breath. “Okay,” she replied softly.

She almost laughed at his confused expression but thought she might show him a small amount of compassion at this point. Especially since she really wanted to hide her face so she moved one step closer and laid her hand in the center of his chest, one of her favorite places, she’d discovered last night.

“Okay?” he questioned, leaning back to look at her even as his hands moved to her waist to hold her close to him. “Just okay?”

She braced herself for rejection, but since she’d pushed him away so often, it was her turn to put herself out there. “Yes. I promise I won’t leave you.” She said it simply, with emotion, then lifted herself up and kissed his jaw, the only place she could reach unless he was willing to bend down. “What else would you like me to say? I should have woken you up and thanked you for a wonderful night. I should have asked if we could repeat the…” she didn’t get any further since he lifted her up and crushed her in his arms. It was almost painful, but she didn’t mind. She liked the way he held her like this, she knew what he was feeling now and it felt incredible!

“Don’t do this if you don’t mean it, Eva!” he growled. “You’re not anything that I expected but you’re everything I need.”

She smiled against his neck and wrapped her arms around him. “And you’re everything I need, even when I don’t like it.”

“You’ll like it,” he promised fervently. “I’ll make sure you like it. Somehow, I’ll help you love me if you’ll just stay with me.”

“I love you already,” she laughed and kissed his jaw, her hands running along his broad, muscular shoulders. Since he didn’t seem to be in the mood to let her down anytime soon, she wrapped her legs around his waist as well. “You’re a tough man to love, Damon Kelopatros, but you’re also amazingly wonderful and irritating and exciting and everything I need in a husband.”

He stilled with her last words and pulled away from burying her face in her neck. “Are you saying you’ll agree to marry me?”

“If you’ll still have me,” she whispered, her eyes suddenly worried.

“Still have you? I won’t ever let you go!” he replied and carried her over to his sofa, sitting down with her in his lap. “I’ve loved you ever since you told me no for the first time.”

She had to laugh as she looked at his face, the sincerity shining through. “You’re kidding.”

“Not at all. You’re the most stubborn woman I’ve ever known and I find you fascinating. Irritating as hell, but I love you because of all that stubbornness.”

“In that case, when is the wedding?”


“Don’t I need to schedule it around your previous business meetings?” she asked, remembering that requirement he’d put out there during one of their discussions.

“I’ll shift everything for you. In fact, I think I need to reschedule a whole lot of meetings.”

“Why? I really am good at organizing events so a wedding shouldn’t be too hard.”

“I’m talking about the honeymoon. It’s going to be long, and away from everyone so I can have you all to myself!” With that, he buried his face in her neck and kissed her until she was shivering in his arms.

“Didn’t you say something about not making me wait?” she asked, gasping when his hand moved underneath her tee-shirt, touching her skin and making her shiver with excitement.

“I love you, you contrary woman!” he growled and stood up with her in his arms. Eva didn’t look at his assistant as they passed by to the elevator. She had eyes only for the man she’d finally admitted she loved. Copyright 2016 - 2024