The Russian's Furious Fiancee Page 0,51

She quickly wrote a note for him, just thanking him for the night. She thought about telling him that she’d call him, or that she’d see him soon. Maybe even tell him that she’d enjoyed last night. But she was too embarrassed about all that he’d done to her to let him know that she wanted to do all of it again. And so much more!

She looked at him in the dim light coming from the hallway. Asleep, he looked just as determined as he was when he was awake although his hair was messed up, probably from her fingers as much as from sleep, and the sheet was barely covering his amazing butt. She even smiled at the discovery that the man had two dimples on either side of the base of his spine. An interesting discovery, but pointless since she needed to get out of there or she was going to be late for her early morning class.

With one last look, she walked out of his apartment, ignoring the security guard who was stationed outside of his door. The man bowed to her and called the elevator. Eva was extremely grateful that Damon’s penthouse had a private elevator. It would be an awkward few moments as she tried to figure out what to say as she slipped away, obviously after having spent the night with his boss.

Back at her apartment, she quickly showered and changed, pulled her supplies together for her class and grabbed her purse before heading out the door.

Her class was packed this morning with many of her students wanting to learn before heading to their various occupations. They were all eager and excited as she described the various investing aspects. It was a good class even though some had questions on how to avoid losses, which she laughed and shook her head. “There’s no way to avoid losses. It comes with the territory of investing. I can’t give you a magic bullet that will protect you from the pain.” The class laughed but she was serious, knowing that sometimes investing was dangerous.

When the class was over, she turned and headed towards her office, only to find a long line of people that were blocking her office door.

“What’s going on?” she asked, curious about what could create such an interested set of people.

“We’re putting in applications for jobs at the new Kelopatros Industries.”

Eva stopped trying to unlock her office door and looked back. “Excuse me?”

“Yeah! There are about three hundred jobs and the people in this area get to put in our applications first. If we qualify, they say that we get the jobs before anyone else has the chance to apply! Isn’t that wonderful?”

Eva could barely breathe as the full force of her fury descended on her. Damon was trying to buy this community? How dare he! It was one thing to try and buy her. She could defend herself. She wasn’t going to be fooled by Damon’s tricks and his attempts at doing something horrible and then just tossing money their way.

“Money can’t buy everything,” she muttered.

“Yes, but it can sure help buy milk for the table,” another man said as he continued to fill out his application.

She tossed her class materials onto her desk and dug her cell phone out of her purse. She found that there were already five messages from Damon, all of them furious that she’d left him again this morning.

“Good!” she snapped. The force of her exclamation caused several of the people standing in line outside of her office to jump or look over at her. “Sorry. Just angry at a man!” The women nodded with full understanding while the men nearest who heard her comment looked to the right and left, still confused.

She glanced at her watch, knew that her next class wasn’t scheduled until the lunch period and wanted to get this off her chest. She was so angry with Damon right now, this couldn’t wait.

Had she really given herself to a man who thought money was everything? Was he really going to buy all these people to convince them that destruction of their community was okay as long as there was a job to make the transition okay? It wasn’t okay! They were a community! Not a commodity!

At his office building, she found a parking space right out front. She stormed into the building and stopped by the security office, getting a badge that would allow her to confront the man she was definitely back to Copyright 2016 - 2024