The Russian's Furious Fiancee Page 0,49

at her giving in. He wanted her so badly but he knew from experience that moving too fast would make her pull back.

Going slowly, coaxing a response from her gently, he was rewarded with her trembling arms moving around his shoulders.

With a shaky sigh, Eva wrapped herself around Damon, feeling his triumph in every cell of her body and that somehow made her feel strong, powerful. She loved the way this man took charge, lifting her into his arms and carrying her down the hallway to his bedroom.

She remembered this room from the last time and smiled at the memories. “What’s so funny?” he asked as his hands slid up her stocking clad leg, changing her expression from one of amusement to desire in a split second.

“I wasn’t laughing. I was thinking about how nice this is going to feel,” she said with a shiver when his fingers found the top of her stocking, teasing the sensitive flesh at the top of her thigh. “You make me feel incredible,” she whispered.

“I like making you feel like that,” he replied and his fingers slid back down, lifting her knee up so that she was cradling him as he bent over her. “I want you naked.”

He pulled her hands, helping her sit up so that he could pull down the zipper from her back. As she laid back down, the held the dress and she slipped out of it. She even helped him by lifting her hips so that the fabric could slid down her legs.

She started to take her shoes off, but he stopped her. “Leave these on,” he said with that sexy, deep voice and that sound went right down to her core. “You look hot.”

Eva liked the way his eyes darkened from golden to amber in seconds as he surveyed her clad only in her underwear. He didn’t look long though. His fingers moved upwards and slid inside the waist of her underwear. Within moments, he had those down her legs as well and his fingers moved along her flat stomach, moving upwards. Eva’s body moved underneath his touch and she tried to lift her arms up so she could also be touching him, but he captured her hands and held them out to her side while he bent low over her, taking the lace of her bra in his teeth and pulling downward until her breasts was uncovered.

His mouth then captured her nipple, sucking until it was a hard peak before moving to the next one and doing the same. He continued teasing her breasts until she was writhing underneath him, her hips pressing against him and begging him to stop the torture.

“What do you want?” he asked, his mouth sliding over her stomach and lower.

“I want you.”

“What do you want me to do?”

She bit her lip and closed her eyes, pulling against his hands but he wouldn’t release her. “You know what I want,” she gasped when his teeth nipped at her stomach.

“Yes, but I want you to say it.”


“Because it turns me on to hear the prim little Eva talking dirty.”

Eva almost laughed but she was too desperate. “I want you inside me!” she cried out when his mouth moved against her upper thigh. She moved her legs but wouldn’t open them to his mouth, too embarrassed by her reaction from the last time he did something like that.

“I want you to open your legs for me,” he countered.

“No,” she shook her head.

He laughed softly and shook his head. “Who do you think is going to win here, Eva?” he asked, moving up slightly and looking at her lovely face, flushed with the desire he’d built inside of her. He loved that he could do that, and he suspected that she didn’t want him to pleasure her with his mouth because she lost control so quickly, something he really wanted her to do.

“Just please…”

“Open your legs and I’ll give you what you want,” he coaxed, releasing her hands so he could tease her breasts and increase the pressure, the desire.

When his thumbs flicked against her nipples, she couldn’t take it any longer. Her legs moved against him and he took the opportunity to move between her legs.

“You’re still dressed!” she exclaimed when her thighs encountered material instead of his hot skin.

“Yes. I don’t need to be undressed to give you what you want.”

“Not fair!” she cried out but it was too late. He was already moving downward and even when she tried to moved out of Copyright 2016 - 2024