The Russian's Furious Fiancee Page 0,43

was actually a smile on her face as she stood by her car, contemplating the idea of taunting him further over dinner.

“You do. If only to try and irritate the hell out of me. Name the place, Eva. And be there in a half hour.”

“Meet me at the Alpha Waterfront.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“You’ve probably never been there. Definitely not your typical hangout.”

“I’ll be there. Thirty minutes, Eva. And don’t be late just to piss me off or you’ll regret it.”

She rolled her eyes at his latest threat and considered her options for what to do for the next thirty five minutes. She was only about five minutes away from the restaurant right now so she’d really have to be creative. Considering her options, she decided to try and find a book someone had recommended. There were a few trendy bookstores in that area so maybe she’d get lucky.

With a firm plan in mind, she tossed her purse and book bag onto the passenger seat of her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She found a parking space easily enough since it was pretty early in the evening and stored her books in the trunk, tossing her purse over her shoulder. Because this area was much less high-brow, she didn’t need to change clothes, jeans being the normal attire around here. She loved this area with all of its bohemian atmosphere and quaint shops. One could walk along the streets and find a store with ancient knockoffs right next to a vegetable stand. Not a single upscale store within miles.

It helped psychologically that this area and what she was wearing was the complete anthisis from last night. It separated one event from the other, grounding her and giving her help in not repeating the events. Her mind instantly flashed back to the mind-blowing sensations she’d experienced in Damon’s arms, not to mention the delicious feeling of waking up in his arms with her head on his shoulder and her whole body wrapped around him.

Stop it! Her mind had replayed last night so often and each time, her body responded, wanting him again even though he was miles away from her. It was ridiculous that he could hold that much power over her.

Glancing at her watch, she knew she had twenty-five minutes to burn up in order to arrive five minutes late for Damon. She started on the right side of the street, walking in the opposite direction from the restaurant. She found a costume jewelry shop with a great faux crystal necklace with an interesting design, a gorgeous blue vase that would look perfect in the middle of her kitchen counter, and she was excited to find the book she’d been looking for. Unfortunately, she found all these treasures within twenty minutes. She strolled down the street, casually heading towards the restaurant. She smiled in anticipation of how irritated Damon would be when he had to wait for her.

And then she saw him. The dratted man was standing outside one of the small bars that lined the streets, sitting with a beer at his elbow and looking to all the world as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

And he was in jeans!

Ugh! How was it possible that he looked even better in jeans than he did in his immaculately tailored suits? His long legs were stretched out in front of him with an open necked shirt, not even tucked in. The man did casual better than anyone she could think of and she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk while he watched her through his sunglasses.

And she was actually on time, which only made this whole thing worse!

With a sigh, she walked up to his table and stood there, wanting to do something to get rid of the amusement on his face. “Hello, Eva. You look exceptionally sexy tonight.”

She looked down at her jeans and red tee-shirt, wondering what was so sexy about this outfit. “You’re in jeans.”

“As are you.”

“What happened to the suit?”

He stood up and moved closer to her, taking off his sunglasses so he could look down into her eyes. “A suit wouldn’t really fit in around here, would it?”

She grimaced as he pointed out that he’d understood her latest attempt to irritate him. “No, but you’re not supposed to know that.”

He smiled slightly. “I thought you were counting on that.”

“Oh shut up and let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

“Very eloquent of you, my beauty.”

Eva loved this place and she asked for Copyright 2016 - 2024