The Russian's Furious Fiancee Page 0,14

to the world. He’d made her lose it though. He almost laughed out loud at how irritated she’d become at some of his responses. She was sexy as hell when she was angry.

He even liked the way she walked, with her full hips swaying slightly, her back ramrod straight and her shoulders back as if she were queen of the world. Even as he watched and his body reacted to her gentle sway, he still wanted to do everything in his power to have her begging for him as he made love to her. He wanted her to scream out his name when she climaxed in his arms and to feel her sigh with satisfaction in the end.

Dammit! He couldn’t stand up to leave just yet. His thoughts had made him uncomfortably hard. Leaving now would be slightly embarrassing so he relaxed and swallowed down the rest of his ice water, leaving the excellent wine left alone, regardless that it had probably cost him about a thousand dollars and neither one had done it justice.

Eva was definitely intoxicating enough, he thought with relish.

He would have her. And it would be in April. Possibly sooner.

As he watched her walk down the sidewalk through the restaurant windows, her breasts pushing against her soft, red sweater, he acknowledged that he wanted this woman soon. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number, getting the process in place that would….coax her into his way of thinking.

Chapter 4

Eva walked with her head held high but her knees were shaking with anger and humiliation. She couldn’t believe that the man wanted to marry her, but not for any flattering reason. She might have been slightly less offended if he’d said something along the lines of at least being attracted to her. But he’d only said she was an appropriate hostess and would procreate well.


She understood why her mother drank!

No, Eva didn’t understand that. She’d never put herself into a position where she would have so little power in her life that she would resort to alcohol to get through the day.

It was a gorgeous afternoon and she wouldn’t let that horrible man spoil it. She pulled her car keys out and clicked on the button to release the locks. Getting behind the wheel, she lowered all the windows and let her hair down, not wanting to constrict herself in any way. Within five minutes, she was outside the city and speeding down the road, letting the wind pull away the horrible memory of her lunch time conversation.

She pulled into her apartment building and ran up to her private domain, glad now that she’d ignored the pressure from her mother and father to stay with them at the house. She loved her little condominium and had furnished it with care, loving all the little pieces she’d built up over the past few years. It was very eclectic and nothing like her mother’s elegant, formal style. This place was filled with brightly colored pillows from India, long, sheer curtains with colorful toppings to block the outside world when she needed privacy. Her bedroom was simply furnished, but with silky fabrics in soothing colors and luxurious fabrics. Nothing had been expensive and she’d bought all of it with her own money. Money she’d earned on her own. Her parents had no idea what she did outside of their house, and as long as she didn’t embarrass them, and she showed up at all the appropriate functions, they didn’t care nor did they ask questions.

As she peeled off the simple black sheath dress and hung it carefully in the extra bedroom closet, she padded barefoot into her bedroom and pulled on her own clothes. A pair of jeans, a white tee-shirt and a denim jacket. Heading back out the door with her books in her bag, she made her way back to her car and was off again, her laptop tucked under her arm and several new ideas ready to be developed for her next chapter.

If there was anything good to come out of this ‘relationship’ with Damon Kelopatros, it was that he generated several new ideas for her book, spicing up her creative juices!

Chapter 5

Eva had three glorious days without meeting up with Damon and was thrilled, thinking he’d finally given up his attempt to pressure her into a marriage. She ignored the sense of deflation she felt as she checked her messages on her cell phone, refusing to admit that she was disappointed when Copyright 2016 - 2024