Rules of Redemption (The Firebird Chronicles #1) - T.A. White Page 0,78

in standard.

There was a long pause as the other two conferred silently, their interactions having the same ease and familiarity of people who'd spent countless hours together, risking their lives for one another in impossible situations.

Kira had been a part of that once. Seeing it now reinforced how much of an outsider she'd become since.

"We came to check on you since I thought you were staying in a different wing," Jace said. "Also, there was some action earlier, but no one will tell us anything."

He sounded accusing.

In other words, he thought she was the reason for the commotion, and he wanted to ensure she hadn't done anything to derail the mission.

"You came to make sure I hadn't done something stupid," she said flatly.

"You do have a history," Raider quipped.

Kira gritted her teeth. "As you can see, I'm fine. You can leave now."

"Wait, we're not going to talk about this?" Jace asked.

"What's there to talk about? Someone tried to kill me. They failed. It won't be the first time, and now it looks like it won't be the last," Kira said.

Jace shook his head at her, his frustration clear.

Kira relented. "Don't worry too much, the guard they saddled me with seems to be halfway competent, as you just saw."

Jace wasn't convinced. "I want one of us watching you tonight. Two are better than one."

"I'll be fine, Jace. I don't need another babysitter," Kira said. If she could have banned Finn, she would have.

Amila and Baran had been bad enough on the ship, but at least they had had the decency to stay outside her private quarters.

"I'm not giving you a choice, Kira. This is my mission and you're my primary. It's my job to make sure you survive," Jace said.

At least until they got what they wanted, Kira finished for him.

"Don't try to lie to me," Kira said, leaning forward, a threat in her face. "We both know I might be the excuse you used to get a foothold here, but there's way more to it than that."

He made a strangled sound like he was trying to dredge up patience. Unfortunately, it didn't look like he was successful. That was more like the Jace she knew.

He shot a glance at Finn and switched to Japanese. "You're being difficult. Again. I'm the mission commander on this trip. Not you. You gave up that right when you left."

"Careful who you're talking to," Kira warned.

"Or what?" Jace challenged. "We're not your faithful mutts anymore. You might be able to take one of us. But all? Not likely. Looks to me you spent a little too long on your ship and a little less time remaining combat ready."

Kira's teeth clicked closed as anger tightened in her throat, strangling her voice.

Jin flew through the window, whistling a jaunty tune.

Finn fell into an attack stance, his sword clearing its scabbard as his focus locked on Jin.

"No, not him either," Kira yelled.

Jin beelined for the ceiling, staying out of reach of the over-protective oshota.

"What is that?" Finn hissed, not relaxing his stance.

"It's Jin. He's with me," Kira said.

That didn't seem to comfort Finn at all.

Jace took advantage, saying over his shoulder as he moved toward the door. "I’ll send Tank in. He can take the first watch and the rest of us will rotate in."

Kira watched him go, Raider following, as words burned her tongue. There was a lot she wanted to say, so much, it all got tangled up and refused to come out.

Jin slowly lowered from the ceiling, keeping a careful eye on Finn.

"That thing's unnatural," Finn said, pointing at Jin.

"Maybe, but you touch him and you're dead."

Finn didn't look particularly impressed with the threat. That was okay. It wasn't a threat. It was fact. If anyone hurt Jin, Kira would ensure it was the last thing they ever did.

"Where did he come from?" Finn asked.

Kira didn't answer.

"If the Luatha Overlord or her guards figure out he was roaming around, they would order your death."

"Seems like a bit of a harsh reaction," Jin muttered.

"Jin sleep flies," Kira said, trying not to wince at the ridiculousness of her statement. It was the first thing she could think of.

"Sleep flies," Finn repeated in a flat voice.

Jin rotated to see her better.

"Yup, like sleep-walking but with flying," Kira said, doubling down on her lie.

Finn didn't seem convinced, but he didn't argue with her. "Well, keep him in here. The Overlord's warriors will dismantle him if they catch him out of the room."

Kira didn't argue as Jin flew by her.

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