Rules of Redemption (The Firebird Chronicles #1) - T.A. White Page 0,38

nothing she wished to bring with her.

Graydon's focus shifted to Kira. "You will not be able to come back."

Kira stared at him, her expression unchanging.

He shook his head. "Suit yourself. Your House will no doubt be happier for it. They'll supply you with everything you need."

Kira didn't respond to that, despite disliking the insinuation these people related to her would want to wipe any trace of human influence from her life. She was sure they'd change their mind once they got to know her. She was told she was one of the most stubborn, hardheaded people anyone had ever met.

Graydon tilted his head, all the while watching her carefully. "The machine will need to stay."

"Jin goes where I go," Kira said flatly.

The corners of his lips tilted up as if she'd confirmed something for him. Kira wanted to kick herself for responding, knowing he was testing her, seeing how far he could push before she'd react. He was learning her limits. Not necessarily a bad thing, until those very same limits were used against you to force your compliance.

She'd exposed a weakness. A big one. She couldn't trust these people wouldn't take advantage of that.

The other man shifted, making his presence felt. He was familiar, one of the men on the platform when they'd rescued the kids. "I have to thank you for saving the children. Our House is indebted to you. Please, if there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

Kira didn't know what to say to that. Somehow her actions with the children seemed so long ago. So much had happened since then, her entire life upturned and reordered. Her very species changed.

Time was passing, each second containing the possibility the man would turn hostile when she didn't give him an appropriate response.

"You don't owe me anything," she finally said.

The man's eyes lightened and he dipped his head again.

The stomp of boots distracted them from their conversation. Graydon's guard slammed up as he looked over Kira's shoulder.

She turned to see what had attracted his attention and stiffened as several humans dressed in the uniform of the space force marched down the corridor.

Clad in dark gray pants and a black top, they moved with military precision, the thud of their boots reverberating in the hall.

Jace led them, his gaze focused on Kira and Graydon. His expression was hard to read as he angled toward them.

Graydon let out a muttered oath before he straightened, his face once again an implacable mask as he watched their approach.

Jace stopped before them. "Lord Graydon, I want to once again extend our thanks for letting us see Kira to her new home."

Kira fought the urge to roll her eyes at that. Jace had grown into an accomplished liar during her absence.

Her gaze wandered to the rest of those with him. Six in all.

She idly noted the star emblazoned over the left side of their chest. Five intersecting lines of various lengths meant to represent a star. Its presence told her these people worked directly under Centcom's command. They had no alliance to any but Centcom.

If they'd been a detachment from one of the colonies, they would have carried its symbol in the place of the star.

Jin made a pained sound.

Kira caught the cause second later. She sucked in a harsh breath at the sight of the patch sewn onto the outer cuff of their right arm. It was in the shape of a dog's paw.

The Curs.

Pain lanced through Kira.

She didn't listen as Graydon and Jace exchanged stilted pleasantries. She was caught up in memories of others wearing that same patch, people she had once known as well as she knew herself. Men and women she would have gladly died for, but who had gone before her.

Kira barely noticed as Graydon took his leave, leaving Kira and Jace standing alone.

"Why would you bring them?" Jin asked into the silence. His voice throbbed with the same pain strangling Kira.

At the sound of it, she drew herself up, taking her emotions and stuffing them deep.

She'd forgotten Jin would have the same reaction. She hadn't been the only one to suffer loss. The thought stabilized her.

Jace's body went stiff and alert, his intelligent gaze picking up some of their emotional turbulence.

"I'm sorry. I forgot you wouldn't have known we reinstated the unit," he said. "Will you be okay?"

Kira was silent for a long moment. "Yes, it's just strange seeing others wearing that patch."

Her patch.

He opened his mouth as a loud exclamation came from the rest.

"Kira, girl, we Copyright 2016 - 2024