Rules of Redemption (The Firebird Chronicles #1) - T.A. White Page 0,138

The Tsavitee waiting in the ship above will be very pleased about that. Won't they, pet?"

"As you say, mistress." A Tsavitee warrior stepped into view.

Shock and horror devastated Alma’s expression as she faced the full extent of her betrayal. Somehow, the seneschal had believed she could turn the situation to her advantage, Kira knew. Now she was learning the error of her ways.

Kira focused on the Tsavitee. A general. Damn. That wasn’t good. This operation must have been important to his superiors for them to send him. The Tsavitee rulers fielded the generals only when absolutely necessary.

He towered over the others, his form massive and built for power and speed. Kira knew he'd be fast and deadly. He had skin as dark as the void; the red symbols etched into one side of his chest proclaiming his rank and status.

What was he doing here? She'd only ever seen them leading invasions, content and safe on their ships as they directed the lower form Tsavitee.

"A Tsavitee," Silas said. "I was wondering what that stench was."

"Not just one." Kira’s voice was soft. "That's a general. They wouldn't have sent him alone."

The stranger gave her a sideways glance. "Yes, I can see you're right."

More Tsavitee stepped into view. All of them much smaller than the first.

For all a general’s individual strength, his primary purpose among the Tsavitee was to act as the military strategist behind the rest.

Because of that, he was the most dangerous person in the room. The others might be vicious and savage, but ultimately, they were dumb. Left on their own, they'd probably have killed off their species.

It was only when the general and those above directed them in battle, they became a true threat.

It’s what made the hierarchy of the Tsavitee horde so interesting. They weren't just one species but many.

There were several theories on how that occurred. Some thought they'd integrated conquered races into their horde, while others believed the Tsavitee high forms had engineered the lower forms to fit their specific purposes and roles.

The last argument was supported by the fact the DNA between all forms except the generals was strikingly similar. It pointed to a common origin.

Which theory was true didn't really matter. The end result was the same—a military force capable of breeding soldiers with enhanced combat skills faster than humans could keep up.

Kira knew some on the human side toyed with the notion of developing their own enhanced soldiers, bred specifically to fight the Tsavitee. There were rumors they'd started testing their theories.

All that stopped once the treaties with the Haldeel and the Tuann were signed. The treaties made it clear any further genetic modification for the purposes of war was forbidden and would result in full-on war with both.

"Cannon fodder," Kira said, taking in the array of Tsavitee as they moved closer.

Humans called them that because they were more numerous than the other species. They were usually sent directly at the enemy, overwhelming them with superior numbers and a single-minded intensity.

The lowest of the lower forms. Cannon fodder or puppets, as some called them, were little more than feral cannibals. They had no conscience and little intelligence from what Kira had seen. They'd crawl over the still-warm corpses of their brethren if it meant a chance at human flesh.

She also spotted a mantis, its long lean form towering over the puppets beside it, and a telepath. The telepath looked sickly and gray, its limbs spindly as it stared at the room with a blank gaze.

Kira stepped back, moving so she wasn't in the general's line of sight.

"Put them in with the rest," the general ordered.

The Tsavitee swarmed the two women, herding them toward the light cage the rest of them were trapped in.

The Tuann pressed close to the front, eager for a chance to act once the Tsavitee dropped the light field to force Liara and Alma in.

Kira knew better than to get her hopes up. This wasn’t her first time on the wrong side of one of these cages.

She let the others push their way forward, as she drifted to the rear of the cage. The cloaked strangers helped, stepping in front of her, their larger forms blocking her fully from sight.

She had a bit of a reputation among the Tsavitee. If they caught sight of her, things would probably not go well for her.

Roderick and another of his men dragged Liara to the cage, settling her on the ground not far from Kira. Liara's face was waxy, her eyes glazed with Copyright 2016 - 2024