Rules of Redemption (The Firebird Chronicles #1) - T.A. White Page 0,103

scrambling from the healer's room. It also gave her time to think. The Luatha weren't likely to execute Jace and the others. They wouldn't want to risk a diplomatic incident over a possible miscommunication.

Kira needed to get to Liara before anything else happened.

"Do you have a plan?" Jin asked as he hurried to keep up with her.

"I'm working on it."

"Good. Just remember to think before you do anything drastic," he cautioned. "We don't need to be thrown into whatever place these people call a brig along with Jace and the others. We'll do them no good if we're locked up too."

"I'm aware of that," Kira told him calmly. "I won't give them a reason to act against me."

Jin seemed to find that sufficient reassurance, falling quiet. Just in time too, as they came into view of an ornate set of doors with intricate carvings.

Kira made a small snort. They might as well have posted a sign that said “important thing behind this door.” It practically shouted its strategic significance. If the Luatha hoped to fool an enemy combatant, they hadn't done a very good job.

Four guards watched them approach with curiosity, confirming Kira's belief they didn't yet see her as a threat. She released a breath. That was one piece of good news.

"Aza, you should still be in bed," the one in front said, greeting her with a warm expression and sympathy in his eyes.

Kira paused, at a loss to reconcile the guard's friendliness with Roderick's earlier disdain.

"I had hoped to speak to my cousin," Kira said. "It seems my friends are being detained."

The friendly one nodded. "Yes, this is true. They were determined to present a potential threat. I can personally assure you we mean them no harm. This is for everyone's safety until we fully investigate."

Kira relaxed slightly at that. His assurance rang with truth.

"I'd like to see and talk with them," she said, not giving up.

He shook his head regretfully. "I'm afraid that won't be possible. The seneschal and marshal wish to question them to make sure they had nothing to do with the repeated attacks on you."

Frustration moved through Kira. There was a difference between being told someone was fine and seeing it with your own two eyes.

"Then I'd like to talk to Liara," Kira tried.

"Now is not a good time, aza," the man said.

"We're not trying to keep you from airing your grievances," a female guard said, reading her frustration correctly. "She is greeting visitors. It would not be an appropriate time to interrupt."

Kira sighed. She couldn't argue with that. She was about to tell them she'd wait, when the doors behind them opened and the men and woman guarding them snapped to attention.

Graydon's gaze was searing as he stopped short. His eyes locked on her before growing suspicious. He recovered quickly, turning to check her surroundings and reaching the conclusion she was once again without protection.

Kira stopped paying attention to Graydon as her gaze snagged on two figures behind him, each as mountainous as Graydon, their armor and faces hidden by the cloaks they wore.

"What are you doing here?" Graydon asked, striding forward.

"I have business with Liara," she said. Her attention went past him to a large room with cathedral ceilings above it. Liara stood in the center of a glowing circle, her body slightly out of focus as stars hovered all around her.

A starmap, Kira realized, fascination compelling her forward. It was a three-dimensional map of the galaxy, incredibly detailed and surprisingly realistic.

Thoughts and plans raced through her head. What she couldn't do with an invaluable tool like that. Himoto would go crazy if he knew the Tuann were sitting on maps as comprehensive as what was in front of her.

Graydon snagged her arm and drew her several steps away before she could get any closer. With effort, Kira managed to drag her attention from the many pinpricks of light to focus on the male nuisance at her side.

"What is your problem now?" she asked.

"Besides the fact you have already survived two attempts on your life, yet you stand here with no protection? Again," he finished with a bite in his voice.

"I'm plenty protected," she said, waving her hand at the four guards. The one woman ducked her head trying to cover her smile.

Graydon growled, the sound raising the hair on Kira's neck. She blinked at him. Was he really growling at her?

The sound continued.

Yes, yes, he was.

She gave him an exasperated look.

"Their first priority is their Overlord," he said in a precise Copyright 2016 - 2024