Ruler (Wolves of Royal Paynes #2) - Kiki Burrelli Page 0,49

tiny frustrated mewls transformed into short sounds of ecstasy.

His arms tightened, and he buried his face against my neck as his body coiled tightly. "Faust, Faust!" he screamed into my neck as his orgasm bloomed and we were surrounded by a field of cherries.

I held him as he came down, unable to stop my own hips from jerking forward, but by the time Storri sighed and relaxed into me, I had my erection under control again.

"Faust?" Storri's voice was barely louder than the wind blowing by. "Am I your omega?"

"Yes." And then I figured it should be a choice, so I added, "If you want to accept me as your alpha."

Storri panted softly. "You're the only man for me. Of course I accept you as my alpha."

Chapter Nine


Faust frowned at his laptop, while Knox and Hallie read silently at the table. Faust had put together a thick portfolio on Portal Ventures—everything from when the company was founded to how much they'd paid on their most recent taxes.

Jazz sat at the table as well, but he had a bottle instead of a portfolio. Angus suckled happily at the end, while Dog and I dozed in the sun shining in through the operations room windows.

At least, I had been dozing until Faust's frown caught my attention. He clicked his mouse more forcefully than was needed. What had he read that made him so angry?

Angus's loud burp pulled my attention away from Faust. The baby held his head up, looking over Jazz's shoulder as he drooled down his father's back.

"Good job, Angus," Jazz crooned, oblivious or uncaring of the drool traveling down his spine.

Angus babbled contentedly, and I went back to watching Faust. His eyebrows weren't as furrowed, but there were still lines in the corners like tiny brackets holding in his temper.

Suddenly, Angus's cries split the tranquil quiet of the room. He wasn't a frequent crier from what I'd seen so far, and Jazz shushed him quietly, speaking soft words of comfort.

Angus didn't settle. His cries continued, drawing Knox's attention. He put down the papers he'd been reading and looked at his mate and son with a concerned divot in his chin.

I couldn't remember how I'd been so afraid of Knox. He was still clearly capable of violence, but I knew without a doubt that he would not direct that violence toward me, if only because it would upset Faust. The concern the men had for each other was as clear as Angus's sharp cries.

Jazz got up to pace. "I don't know what is wrong with him. He doesn't normally cry like this."

"Babies cry, Jazz. It isn't something you need to apologize for," Hallie said.

Perhaps Angus understood her and wished to test the limits of her patience because his cries grew shriller, reaching a pitch just barely low enough to not break the window glass.

"He's never cried like this!" Jazz was beginning to sound like Angus, and Knox went to his side.

"Everything's going to be okay." His voice and body language changed into protective mode. "His diaper is clean, and he's eaten."

Jazz nodded twice.

Faust looked up from his laptop screen like he was just then noticing other people sat with him in the room, including a screaming baby. His gaze still landed on me first, his eyes flicking around my face as though he were cataloging all the ways I'd changed since the last time he looked at me.

Faust was an honest man. But that didn't mean he told me everything. I was confident there was much he still hid from me, possibly because he thought I couldn't handle it.

I didn't want to be that sort of person to him, though. I knew Faust cared for me, loved me. But I wanted to be someone who stood beside him, helping him when things got rough. I didn't blame him for hiding things from me. I'd needed sheltering when we'd first met.

But I was getting better. Some things still scared me, but not everything. And soon, even the stuff that scared me now wouldn't.

This was all a conversation for later, when there wasn't a screaming, inconsolable baby. Knox, Jazz, and Hallie were on their feet, each with matching perplexed expressions.

"He could be tired?" Jazz suggested.

It seemed that was a possibility, but not one that led to an actionable next step.

I met Dog's gaze. He didn't have an idea of how to stop the baby from crying either, but I thought I might.

"Didn't you say Angus is part shifter?"

Only Faust tore his gaze away Copyright 2016 - 2024