Ruler (Wolves of Royal Paynes #2) - Kiki Burrelli Page 0,34

beginning to truly believe it. I couldn't know how long this would last or when these confidently capable people would finally tire of me, but for the time being I was safe.

Chapter Six


I found Storri sitting in the grass outside. Dog sat on his right, and Storri rested his palm against the back of Dog's neck. Both watched Hallie and Jazz as they plotted the garden they'd start working on today.

Our old pack had been almost entirely self-sustainable. We'd grown our own fruits and vegetables, as well as our own wheat for flour. Since the fields turned into ash along with every pack member who lived there, we hadn't discussed the idea for a new garden.

"You might like one if you could wear one." By now I was well-versed in picking up Storri's soft voice.

Dog grunted. He'd always been more than a normal dog to me. He was far more aware than the average canine. But I had no idea he had so much to say.

"That's not nice," Storri chided. "Jazz looks great in his hat."

Apparently, he had a lot to say about headgear.

"Yes, I'm happy here. I told you, that was never the issue."

I'd been walking loudly, making as much noise as possible so as not to spook him, but hearing that had my steps slowing. Eavesdropping was a scoundrel thing to do. It had been two days since Storri's online exam, and he still hadn't spoken more than a few words to me.

But with Dog, he could talk for hours.

I read to him each night. Each evening, he burrowed wordlessly into my side. His soft curves pressing against my body was my favorite moment of the day. I'd take weeks of Storri curled up beside me, watching his eyelids get heavy as he tried to stay awake. Every time we came to the end of a chapter, his favorite thing to say was, "One more chapter." We'd finish The Horse and His Boy tonight, and I would need to refresh my collection of books, or else I'd run out of books to read to him. I couldn't let that happen.

When it wasn't evening and I wasn't reading to him, though, Storri was a closed door. He wanted to open. I could feel his desire, smell his arousal, but more than that, I witnessed his curiosity. My kitten had questions he was too afraid to ask.

But not with Dog. He asked Dog everything. I was pleased that Storri and Dog got along so well, but it wasn't difficult to feel like the interloper between them. Like right now, watching them lean into each other, Storri's lips moving as he whispered close to Dog's face.

I clenched my fist. I was jealous of Dog, and it wasn't a great look on me. Knowing that didn't stop me from trudging the rest of the way across the lawn to sit in the narrowest gap between Storri and Dog.

Dog grumbled but moved aside while Storri watched me with a wide, wary gaze. My frustration wasn't directed at him, but at me. It was my job to reach him, to convince him my arms were his safe space, that he could tell me anything and I would listen. Clearly, I was failing in that regard.

"Storri! What do you think about a row of corn here?" Jazz motioned with his arms where he planned to plant the crop.

Storri tensed and held his breath for a little longer than was normal before slowly exhaling. "That looks good," he offered quietly.

Jazz didn't take notice of his timidity. He beamed and nodded at his fellow nephilim. "I agree!"

Hallie sat with Angus on a blanket. She looked up and shook her head. "You won't love that spot when those crows swoop in and eat all your seeds." She gestured with forehead toward the tree line, where a murder of crows weighed down the branches.

"I'll talk to them," Storri offered. Dog and I got to our feet with him. He approached the branches slowly, whistling softly until he was about twenty feet away. "Hi," he called out cheerily.

Several of the crows answered, though it sounded like squawks to me.

"My name is Storri. This is Faust and Dog, and behind me are Jazz, Hallie, and Angus. We're building a garden and—"

He stopped suddenly like he'd been cut off.

"A garden is a place humans grow food. But, if the seeds all get eaten before the plants can grow, then there won't be any food."

Watching the conversation from my point of view was Copyright 2016 - 2024