Rule of Wolves (King of Scars #2) - Leigh Bardugo Page 0,162

Nina couldn’t do that until she’d made peace with the ghosts of her past.

“What is the whelp doing here?” Redvin muttered. He managed a forced smile. “Your Highness, I had no idea you’d be joining us aboard Leviathan.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“It’s only that it’s so much safer in Djerholm with the rest of the royal family.”

“Leviathan’s Mouth is safe enough for Commander Brum’s daughter. I think a fragile princeling like myself might dare it too. Especially when my country is at war. Besides, the Ravkans will need someone to surrender to. Come, Hanne, we will watch the invasion together.” He held out his arm.

Redvin stepped in front of Hanne. It was the move of a soldier, not a diplomat. One did not thwart a crown prince’s desires.

“What are you doing, Redvin?” whispered Ylva, panicked. “It is the prince’s right. Go on, Hanne. Mila—”

“Mila can remain with you,” said the prince. “I wouldn’t want to leave you alone, Ylva.”

At that Ylva froze, unsure of what to do. Hanne could not go with the prince unchaperoned.

Joran gave the faintest shake of his head, but Nina didn’t know how to stop this. She clung to Hanne’s hand.

“I’d prefer to have my friend with me,” said Hanne.

“But your friend is not invited,” said the prince.

“Your Highness…” Ylva began, taking hold of Hanne’s arm. But the prince’s stare brooked no opposition.

Hanne had never been alone with the prince before. It was not acceptable or appropriate. Unless he intended to offer her the promise of marriage. Was that what this was? Did the prince mean to make Hanne his bride or simply use her as a pawn in his ongoing struggle with Brum? Both could be true. If he took her to the observation tower without Mila there to act as chaperone, he would have to offer marriage or Hanne’s reputation would be ruined. No one would offer for her. And if he did propose, Hanne would have to say yes. Nina wanted to scream. They should have run last night, away from the palace, away from all of it. But this was the disaster she’d built. She’d placed herself and Hanne between the prince and Brum, a bulwark against war, and now they would break like Sturmhond’s blockade.

“It will be fine,” Hanne said. In Nina’s ear, she murmured, “We’ll find a way out. There’s something worth salvaging in him. I know it.”

“Come along, Hanne,” said the prince. He was still holding out his arm. It was not an invitation. It was a demand.

“You must let go,” Hanne whispered.


Nina forced her fingers to release. Hanne smiled and drifted over to Rasmus, looping her arm into his.

“See you in victory,” said the prince.

Nina met Joran’s eyes and willed him to understand. You and I have accounts to settle. Watch over her.

“Will he … will he offer for her?” Ylva asked. She’d been delighted at the notice Hanne had garnered from the prince, but this was not attention any girl wanted.

“That uncooked cutlet wouldn’t dare do otherwise,” Redvin growled. “Commander Brum would have his head.”

Redvin could bluster all he wanted. Nina and Ylva knew better. Brum didn’t have the status to gainsay a prince. Though if Brum found victory today, who knew what power he might attain in the wake of it?

“She will be a princess,” Ylva declared as they followed Redvin into the observation tower, as if she could cast a spell and make it so. “All will be well.” Nina said nothing and Ylva took her hand, giving it a quick squeeze. “The prince must ask and she must accept. You see that, don’t you? It is the only thing that can keep both of you safe.” She hesitated. “You can join their household. It’s not unheard of. If you’re careful.”

Nina made herself nod and say, “Yes. Of course. Whatever Hanne wants.”

Ylva’s gaze was distant. “What we want … what we want for ourselves and for our daughters has never been the question. Only what we can bear.”

Survive this place. Survive this life. Find someone to protect you since you’re not free to protect yourself. Sire children. Pray for boys. Pray the strange and willful daughter you raised will somehow find her way. Fear for her, watch over her, realize your fear and your watchfulness mean nothing when the storm comes on. Ylva couldn’t see any other path for Hanne. And Nina wasn’t sure she could either.

Redvin led them inside a steel elevator that carried them skyward. Even the elevator runs better, Nina thought miserably, recalling the Copyright 2016 - 2024