Rule Breakers (Off Limits #2) - Nicky James Page 0,66

two here. Every night. Every day. This, the three of us, don’t you feel it?”

“I do.” I pecked his lips. “I know you meant it. We’ll discuss it, okay? I’m not sure how we can possibly explain it away to other people. They’ll figure us out. Vanya for sure.”

“So what?”

I almost choked on my spit. “So what? You don’t think she’ll have something to say about this?”

Denver rolled his eyes. It was not an action I’d seen him do many times in life. “Okay, I know. We’d get shit from everyone. Vanya would probably hang us both up by our balls.”

“It could be worse than that, Den. We’re talking about something that could potentially have legal ramifications.”

“Weren’t you the kid who told me they wouldn’t throw us in jail for sex?”

“Den, I’m not sure if you’ve blocked it out or just forgotten what kind of a dumbass I was at twenty.”

He sighed, defeat replacing his radiant smile. “I know. I just…”

“We’ll talk about it.” I kissed him again. “Edison’s still out cold. Let’s have coffee.”

“Vanya wouldn’t care.” He searched my face, silently pleading with me to agree with him. “She wouldn’t. Not really. Not if we explained it.”

Maybe not. My twin sister surprised me a lot. She knew about my wild life. She knew most of the crazy shit I’d done. She also knew Denver and I had something special, although she didn’t know what that meant.

“And Mom and Dad? They give me shit for everything I do with Edison. They’ve called me a shitty parent since the day he was born. Tell me what would happen if they found out I was fucking my son?”

Denver’s shoulders slumped. “It’s not fair. It’s no one’s business but our own.”

“I agree. Now make me a coffee and stop fretting. Eddy and I aren’t going anywhere just yet. Except maybe the shower because I have dried cum on me, and that shit’s pulling at my chest hair like a bitch.”

Denver snickered as he topped off his coffee and made me one as well. He brought them to the table, and we sat.

“So, what do you think about him working at a gay bar?”

I scrubbed the back of my neck and made a face. “What can I say? I work at a fucking strip joint.” I shrugged. “Like father like son.”


“It is. I’m proud of him, actually. I feel like an ass for yelling last night, but the fucker should have said something earlier.”

“True. He’s trying, Har.”

“I know. We talked about school and working and such. This is good.”

We enjoyed our coffees in silence for a few minutes before Denver said, “We should go see him at work one night. When he’s settled in.”

“I can see it now. The pair of us growling at any man who dares lay eyes on him.”

“Or touch him. Gotta admit, he looked pretty hot with that touch of makeup on.”

“Thank you,” said a sleep-laden voice from the doorway. “One of the guys I work with helped me apply it. I don’t have a clue about stuff like that.”

Edison came into the room, rubbing sleep from his eyes and plopped down on my lap without a care in the world.

“Oof… Aren’t you kinda big for this, kid?”


He wore nothing but underwear, and his skin was still warm from having been in bed. I wrapped my arms around him and tucked him close.

“Morning,” I mumbled against his neck.

I felt his answering smile against my cheek.

“Want a coffee?” Denver asked.

“Ew. Gross. No. We’ve been over this.”

“Eddy doesn’t like coffee. I’ve failed as a father.”


“Waffles?” Edison asked.

“How about pancakes?”

“Yes, please,” Edison and I said at the same time.

“How about you go shower while I help Den cook?”

Edison grumbled but got up and shuffled off to the bathroom.

Chapter Sixteen


My ass was sore but in a good way. As the hot shower rained down on me, I closed my eyes and relived every blissful second of the previous night. Even now, as I tenderly prodded my hole, I could feel them both inside me.

My lips were raw and abused. Both Dad and Denver had rough stubble, and I was sporting a nasty case of scruff burn on my chin and cheeks and inner thighs from all the attention. I didn’t care. It was a reminder I hadn’t dreamed it. The things we’d shared were real.

After my shower, I went to the spare room where I kept my belongings and found something to wear.

The delicious smells coming from the kitchen made my stomach growl. There Copyright 2016 - 2024