Rule Breakers (Off Limits #2) - Nicky James Page 0,44

knew then, despite our agreement, there was going to be no way in hell I’d be able to abide by the rules we’d just made and keep my hands off him. No fucking way in hell.

Chapter Eleven


It was after ten when I heard the front door open and close. Surprised, since I’d figured Edison was staying with Harley tonight, I muted the TV and cocked an ear. “Eddy?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

Harley poked his head into the front room. “And me. You busy tomorrow night?”

Edison shoved around his dad, coming into the room. “He’s not busy now. Look, he’s just watching TV. You can talk now. Go. Talk.”

I shifted my gaze between them, trying to get a read on the situation. “What’s up?”

Edison lingered like something was supposed to happen. Harley shoved him with a chuckle. “Isn’t it past your bedtime, kid?”

That earned him a scowl. “I thought you said—”

“And I will. Tomorrow. If he’s not busy. Are you busy tomorrow?” he asked me again.

“Talk to me about what?”

Harley said, “Nothing” at the same time Edison said, “Our arrangement.”

Harley growled and snagged his son’s chin, dragging him close enough he was in his face. “Don’t be a brat. We talked about this. Think with this brain.” He tapped Edison’s forehead. “Not this one.” Then he grabbed his kid between the legs, squeezing hard enough to make Edison whimper. My eyes went as wide as Edison’s. “Got it?”

“You’re breaking the rules,” Edison hissed in Harley’s face.

My brother chuckled. “They’re my rules. I’ll break them if I want. By the way, your breath smells like cum. Go brush your teeth and let the big boys talk.”

Instead of being insulted, Edison licked his lips with a sly grin as he pulled from Harley’s hold and strutted away down the hall.

I watched him go, then frowned at Harley. “Did you just say what I thought you said?”

“Don’t get your shirt in a knot. Not my cum, his cum. He thought he’d push my buttons and give me a show.” Harley shrugged. “What do ya do?”

I gaped, flinching and scrambling for a response. “Clearly, I need to make new rules.”

“Stick your fucking rules up your ass. We ain’t playing your game no more. You aren’t in charge. We are. If you want to discuss our new terms, clear your schedule tomorrow. We have a date. You and me. The kid isn’t invited. I’ll pick you up at five.”


“Dinner date. No alcohol. Sorry, I work Fridays. Deal with it.”

Harley winked and disappeared out of sight. The front door slammed, and a few minutes later, I heard the engine of his car roar to life.

“Edison!” I yelled, finding my harshest tone and sternest expression. What the fuck was going on?

He wandered back into the room like the angel he wasn’t, batting his lashes, his toothbrush dangling from between his rosy lips. “Yeesh?” he said, toothpaste foam leaking down his chin.

“What the fuck did you do?”

“I ’old ’im I uz gnna derk ovv ’nd—”

“Go spit for crying out loud. I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

He mumbled something akin to “okay” and shrugged as he retreated down the hall. A moment later, he returned.

I cocked a brow, asking the same question again without words.

“I asked him if he wanted to watch me jerk off. He didn’t object, so I did. Then I ate my cum.” He licked his lips salaciously.

He held my intense stare. I didn’t blink. Neither did he.

“And then?” I prompted.

“Then nothing. He said I was a brat and brought me here.”

Again, I stared at him, unblinking. His brutal honesty shouldn’t have rattled me. I shook my head and chuckled because why was I surprised? This was Harley’s son. “I need a drink.” I retreated to the kitchen.

“Did Dad leave?” Edison followed.


“Dammit. He said he’d talk to you.”

“We’re having dinner tomorrow. What does he want to talk to me about?”

Edison gnawed his lip and darted his gaze about the kitchen. “I promised I’d let him do the talking and stay out of it, so I can’t tell you.”

“Of course you did.” I searched the fridge but couldn’t find any beer, so I slammed it closed again and resorted to a glass of water which was hardly enough to take the edge off.

“What can you tell me?”

“That we have a proposal for you.”

“This was my rodeo, Edison. Not yours and Harley’s. No more deals. No more counteroffers. No more proposals.”

“Perhaps you should hear what we have to say first.”

I waved an encouraging hand. “Let’s hear it. Spell it out Copyright 2016 - 2024