Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,86

whispered, and Knox swung blindly, sending black colored blood sailing through the air. “Right.” Lore swung, severing a head as a body tumbled to the ground at his feet. “Far left,” I hissed again. “Low right.” Killian swung, and we continued with me calling out their location and the men swinging blindly, unable to sense the witches coming toward us.

By the time we’d finished, I was drained. I slid to the ground on my knees between the men, holding myself up as they turned, taking in my crumpled form before looking around at the decomposing bodies. They’d swung deftly, attacking without questioning me while I helped them to escape injury.

More witches entered the clearing, and I chanted on my knees, covered in sweat. Still wet from the creek, I shuddered at the chill of the fog. My chanting dropped the veil that held the witches beyond the men’s sight, and the moment it was gone, they lunged forward to attack.

I watched from between their legs as they danced to a battle drum only they could hear, moving fluidly. They severed heads, limbs, and torsos until too many witches surrounded us for them to fight.

Power slithered through the clearing, and I felt the land answering the call as bodies began exploding, shattering like glass as Knox whispered words of a language, not his own. The echoing words sent a shiver rushing through me as he destroyed the dark witches with magic he’d pulled by force from the land around us.

Hundreds of witches escaped through the woods, and no sooner had they reached the tree line, they shattered as if they were antique porcelain dolls placed into an oven. A tremor of unease ran up my spine as I lifted my gaze. Slivers of red lines rushed through Knox’s forearms as if he’d stolen embers from a fire that powered him. It was similar to my hands turning black; only his were red. Once the numbers dwindled, I sagged in relief. My eyes closed as Knox lifted me into his arms, moving toward the castle.

“Light it up, Lore,” Brander snapped, and Lore’s palm erupted in flames as he lowered it to the ground. I watched as fire shot across the keep, sliding up the wall to light the torches, igniting them all at once.

The gate made a noise, and the chain lowered the portcullis. Knox didn’t stop, leaping onto it before it had even fully reached the ground, sliding into the castle’s heavily lit courtyard as the men followed behind us.

“Killian, handle the wall and alert us if they try to attack. Lore, get the wards up, Brander, come help me with Aria.”

“I’m okay, Knox,” I muttered weakly. “I just have to rest for a while and recharge.”

“You don’t look okay!” Knox snapped with fear etched in his tone.

“I am, though, promise. You won’t get rid of me that easily. I’m actually hard to kill,” I whispered, leaning my head against his shoulder, smiling at him. “Add wards for rodents and critters that can breach the walls easily. They’ll use them to watch us from the shadows, to learn our plans and weaknesses. The vermin and cats can bypass wards and reach us where the witch’s corporeal forms cannot.”

“Are you spilling secrets, Little Monster?” Knox asked softly.

“Only theirs, but I can tell you one of mine if you want to hear it.”

“And what would that be, Aria?” he asked, turning to ensure the men weren’t met with difficulties as they took their positions.

“I’m still horny, dick,” I whispered, which apparently wasn’t a whisper at all because all the men started laughing, turning to look down at us.

Knox exhaled and shook his head slowly. “If the war depends on your whispering skills, Aria, we’re all fucked.”

“At least someone is, right?” I exhaled slowly, and my eyes closed as he moved into the castle.

Chapter Twenty-Three


We rushed into the castle, staring at the beast upon the walls that watched as we entered. My heart raced, knowing that Aria had almost called light back into a soul. This meant she could bring Julia back from Ilsa’s oily magic that filled her and locked her in her mind.

“Pay attention, Soraya,” Siobhan growled when I ran into her back, displacing the child in her arms onto the ground.

I bent, picking the babe up to bounce in my arms as I looked at Brander, who watched me through narrowing eyes. I kissed the babe’s head absently, dropping my stare immediately from the look in his eyes as heat filled Copyright 2016 - 2024