Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,71

the guards sitting on the camp’s edge, knowing they couldn’t leave their post to escape me. Smiling, I noted the loathing and worry filling their glares while I closed the distance between us.

“Gentlemen, blessed be,” I smiled tightly, aware they’d worry at the blessing shit. Non-witches hated that saying, and we used it often, simply because we fucking could. “Have you, by chance, seen Brander?” I asked, hating that I needed to figure out where he was.

“He’s in the woods, witch,” one stated, hiking his thumb over his shoulder toward a trail.

I frowned, wondering if the guards would try to stop me. Stepping over the protection barrier, I waited for them to sound an alarm, and when they didn’t, I started toward the forest’s entrance with a quick thank you.

My guards were close behind me, and I could feel their fear oozing from their pores. I guess it took an act of rage to force a little fear into Knox’s people. Lost in my thoughts, I moved deeper into the woods. When I heard a loud moan, I stopped in my tracks, and the sight of Brander’s naked ass came into view.

The descent thing to do would have been to look away from the really sexy, really nice ass thrusting forward. I, however, was in dire need of Brander’s help right now. A woman was in front of him on her knees, her naked body moving as he used her mouth. His noises sent heat into my cheeks, forcing me to swallow down the need blooming in my center.

I stepped back, and a twig snapped beneath my feet. Brander’s head turned toward me, his eyes locking with mine. Heat pooled in them, filling with obsidian as he watched me, not stopping the thrusts of his hips as he continued pushing into the woman’s mouth. I turned, hurrying back through the guards toward the trail, when Killian stepped into my path, blocking my exit from the licentious scene I’d observed.

“You’re not supposed to be out here, witch,” Killian snapped, peering over my shoulder to glare at the guards.

“I needed Brander,” I swallowed.

“He’s busy,” he countered, lowering his eyes to my dress.

“I really need Brander, Killian,” I whispered, fighting against the urge to rush toward the water I could hear, pushing my hands into it to ease the burn.

“He’s fucking busy. You’ll have to wait.”

“I can’t,” I stated, holding up my hands. “Someone left hemlock in the tent and laced the water in which they placed it. I touched the flower and smelled the poison.”

He examined the burns creeping up my arms and exhaled, glancing back into the woods. Killian didn’t speak, not until he started toward camp, staring over his shoulder when I didn’t move.

“Come on. We’ll get the ointment and start. Brander’s not coming yet,” he grunted, and the guards laughed behind me at the lame pun.

I followed Killian to a large tent, stopping outside to collect the strength to enter alone with a man who literally wanted my head removed. Inside were rolled-up bedrolls and small tincture bottles. Killian pulled out a large bag, searching through it before pointing to a chair, indicating I should sit. I silently took a seat, holding out my hands.

Killian settled in front of me in a crouched position, looking into my eyes before he removed the small cork and grabbed my hand. I hissed, and he muttered an apology. His hands were rough, and yet he was gentle as he tended to the blistering burns with a cream that offered instant relief.

“You could have killed us when we captured you,” Killian pointed out carefully. “You could have killed us several times over while we were tracking you down. Why didn’t you?” He lifted his cerulean eyes to hold mine.

“I didn’t want you guys dead. I’ve never intended to hurt Knox, but I also won’t allow him to keep me as his slave, Killian. He’s done nothing to warrant death yet. He’s flirted with it, skated the line a few times, but he hasn’t truly wanted me hurt. I can’t undo what my family has done, but if I could, I would. There’s no magic, and no spell to undo deeds of the past or to rectify them.”

“Knox intends to kill you,” Killian reminded me without hiding the look of loathing in his eyes. His hand brushed against my thigh, and he lowered his head to stare at the exposed flesh. Killian lifted his hand, gripping my thigh as my breathing grew labored. “He Copyright 2016 - 2024