Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,55

It is Aria Hecate’s destiny to kill Ilsa, and she knows it. So do you and everyone standing here. She needs training for war because she’s not a fighter. Aria’s too fucking soft, and her heart is on her sleeve. Ilsa will tear her apart mentally, and then she’ll shred her fucking soul until she lies down and dies.”

I frowned at Soraya’s words as the men gathered around us. Issuing orders, we moved toward the woods to surround the Hecate witches. I prayed I was wrong, that it wouldn’t be Aria’s sisters inside the forest, hiding and watching a slaughter unfold. If they sat on the sidelines as the dark witches massacred children on the battlements, then they weren’t worth saving.

I hit the jetstream as my men joined me, rushing through the woods. Siobhan and Soraya moved from one direction while we landed in the other. We turned, staring into the woods as a siren released her call. I frowned, shaking my head. Drawing my blades, I moved into the heavily wooded forest while my men spread out.

Magic rushed toward me, and I hit the ground, waiting for Siobhan and Soraya to send theirs back in the direction it had come. The moment they did, I lunged, slamming my fist into the face of Aria’s sister, Callista, watching her body go down hard and limp.

Crouching, I stared at the blood rushing from Callista’s nose, holding my hand out for the gag Brander tossed to me. My lips curled into a cruel smile, considering what Aria would give me to secure my word that no harm would befall her sister. The satisfaction didn’t come, and uneasiness filled my chest. There was no joy in capturing Callista or for what I intended to do with her.

Standing, I backed away as Brander moved closer, binding Callista’s hands against magic, securing them and her body so he could carry her back.

“What happens now?” Siobhan asked, her eyes holding mine with concern.

“Now we put Callista in a cage, and I retrieve her lying sister. They’re here because of Aria, all of them. This entire stronghold and everyone within it died to free Aria Hecate. Whether or not she knew it, they’re all here for her. Now we find out why the high queen wants Aria and what her intention is for her.”

“My guess, she wants her dead and buried. Aria is killing her foot soldiers, and leaving bodies piled up isn’t something Ilsa would allow to continue,” Soraya offered, her word carrying truth. “She’s left a huge body count in her wake, and that’s had to have been noticed by Ilsa.”

“And how the fuck would you know that?” I asked, observing Soraya.

“Because she’s an evil bitch, and anyone who isn’t on her side is against her. Aria hasn’t even gotten close to the Palace of Vãkya, which is a slight against the queen. I am a witch, King Karnavious. I know the price for disobeying the queen and breaking her rules. If you’re not beside Ilsa as her puppet or on her grid, you’re against her. It is widely known that the silver-haired witch with pretty blue-green eyes brought Lady Asil’s keep down. Some whisper she’s a monster, and others say she’s an angel in the guise of a witch come to free us of Ilsa’s terror. I say she’s both, and we’ve yet to see her true power. I fear that once we’ve seen it, this world will never be the same.”

I smiled, hating that Soraya had pegged Aria right down to her pretty eyes that changed with her mood. Swallowing past the turmoil within me, I nodded to Brander and Killian, walking with them back toward camp.

“What about the others in the woods?” Siobhan asked.

“I only need one member of her family to make my pretty witch promise me her devotion.”

Chapter Fourteen


I studied the young witchlings that rushed through the camp, squealing as older ones tried to tag them in their game. They’d been at it all morning, and it was a welcome distraction from worrying about Knox not returning. It had almost been an entire week of silence, which Greer assured, was perfectly normal. Knox had to deal with taking back the strongholds the witches took from the Nine Realms’ lords and ladies, so his silence was a good thing, according to the men.

Either Lore or Greer was on babysitting duty while Knox was gone. They barely allowed me to bathe or do anything other than move around the camp, unwilling to Copyright 2016 - 2024