Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,47

growled, moving away from the others with my hands still burning.

At the edge of the camp, the guards stepped into my path. Looking over my shoulder, they moved out of my way, allowing me to pass. Heading to the stream, I didn’t bother to strip out of my dress as I dove into the frigid water. I sat beneath the surface, gathering my composure before emerging from the depths as steam covered the top of the creek, billowing into the air.

Masculine laughter forced my gaze to the bank. I found Knox kneeling on his haunches, smiling at me as his eyes dropped to the sheer top of my white dress. We glared at one another for several moments before he brought his hand up, rubbing his lip slowly with his thumb. His eyes remained locked to my very erect nipples pushing against the soaked dress, lifting and falling with my labored breathing.

“Wet?” he asked, and I tilted my head to the side.

“Very.” Knox stood, removing his pants. He entered the water gradually, allowing me to see his naked masculine perfection in vivid detail. Knox was all hot tattoos and muscle that made my brain go stupid. There should be a law against men with bodies like his being allowed to get tattoos. It left a woman defenseless and disarmed.

I danced away from Knox as he smiled mischievously. “You set the camp on fire, woman. You burned enough sage to ward against demons worldwide from entering it should they have attempted. Not that they would want to with this many of our kind gathered together in one place.”

“Oops, my bad,” I whispered huskily. Knox stood in front of me, using the water to wash away the sweat from his body, caused by his training with Brander.

“You’re a little overdressed for bathing, aren’t you?”

I swallowed before glancing down at the see-through dress, slowly lifted my gaze back to his piercing stare. “There was a bug on me.”

His lips twitched, and his eyes danced with merriment as he crept closer. “Was there? Is it gone now?”

“I assume so, yes.”

His hand lifted to my hair, pushing the wet strands away from my face. “Maybe I should check beneath your dress to be certain?” I hated it when he touched my hair because it left me without walls of defense against him.

I blinked and shook my head, dispelling whatever was happening with the alpha big dick energy he was throwing toward me. “I don’t feel anything beneath it.”

“You sure?” he countered, pulling me against him as his lips brushed against my ear. “I’d hate for you to get bitten by anything that wasn’t me.” The heat of his breath warred with the iciness of the creek, sending a shudder through my body.

“Is that so?” I brushed my cheek against his. Heat rolled through me, and my body tightened against the scent oozing from his pores. My apex clenched, reacting to his nearness as his body pressed against mine.

“It would be a travesty for anything else to mar your gorgeous body, Aria,” Knox chuckled, brushing his nose against my shoulder, causing my breathing to hitch and get stuck in my lungs.

He kissed my shoulder, and my hands slid through his hair, pulling his mouth to mine, claiming it hungrily. His tongue pushed past my lips as his hands lifted me, forcing my legs to wrap around him.

Knox devoured me until I was mindless with need. Purring exploded from both of us, our bodies unable to get close enough as he claimed ownership with his kiss. He lifted my dress while my legs wrapped around him together, rocking my sex against his. I needed him inside of me with a wild desire that drove me past the brink of coherent thought, and he knew it too. His fingers pushed against my opening, and I felt his cock aiming for entrance, uncaring that we were within sight of the camp.

“Does this mean we’re not fucking then, My King?” Bekkah asked from the shore, and Knox groaned.

I pulled back, unable to stop the rattle that exploded from my chest, sliding down his body, before shoving him into the water. Anger slithered through me while my eyes moved to the bitch on the shore, who smirked coldly.

“Have him,” I grunted, walking past Bekkah. I headed toward the tent to change out of the wet dress, preparing to go back and fix the mess I’d made of the sage.

“Aria, get back here now!” Knox demanded.

I muttered beneath my breath. “Demons, huh? Copyright 2016 - 2024