Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,45

woods, throwing a king-sized tantrum.

“Peasant, you’re not stupid. I know you’re not. You just pissed off a king by sucking his dick. That’s an oxymoron situation that shouldn’t ever happen to a man. They normally rejoice from that sort of thing. You’re not playing with fire; you’re baiting a monster that has basic primal needs. Fuck, fight, and feed.”

“You’ve forgotten, Meat Suit. I, too, have the same basic needs. Knox told me he didn’t want me and that the only reason anyone would ever want me was because of my scent. So what is the fucking difference if I suck him off to get his scent, or he uses my vagina?”

“A pretty big one, actually,” Brander grunted as he answered. “One ends with your womb filled, and the other is a waste that ends with you drinking him down. His beast needs the womb filled to feel satisfied. The other only sates the man’s hunger. You just put man against beast, and the beast is a lot more primal and carnal than the man, Aria.”

“My creature just wanted me to suck his dick,” I announced, and the men snorted, then chuckled as if it were cute.

“Your beast is basically a horny teenager, and his creature is ancient. Yours wants to play, his needs to own. Yours is cute and cuddly, his is a fucking monster,” Killian groaned, sitting up to look in the direction where Knox had vanished.

I sat up, peering toward the woods. “You guys have seen my beast kill shit, right? She’s not cuddly. Not at all,” I argued. “In fact, I’m not even sure she’s mentally sound to make choices. She has traded places with me as she was eating dick before, literally.”

“She’s fluffy compared to our beasts,” Killian laughed, observing me with something akin to lust burning in his gaze.

“Should I go find him or something?” I asked, getting to my knees.

Rattling exploded from the woods, and we all groaned, bending to the power that flooded through the camp. Even those who were sleeping, woke, turning to bow their heads and backs toward the beast. I peered into the shadows as Knox emerged, locating me as he rattled once more.

It wasn’t his usual rattle; it was violent. My legs parted, spreading wide as Brander groaned behind me, forced to smell the arousal that drenched my panties as Knox’s beast threw down a challenge. Pain gripped my clitoris, and I whimpered as my nipples pebbled into hard peaks. An orgasm danced just out of reach, demanding I give in to the beast, desiring it from me.

“Aria, whatever the fuck you do, do not come in the middle of the camp. That’s not a request; that’s a plea for the lives of everyone close enough to smell your scent.” Brander’s tone was aggravated and filled with apprehension.

I moaned loudly, purring to the beast who watched me from the trees. My body unfurled, and everything within me needed to answer his call by coming for him. I purred while fiery eyes approved of my response.

“That is easier said than done,” I whimpered loudly.

“Do not do it, woman,” Killian growled through clenched teeth. “That isn’t Knox. That’s his beast showing you who you just pissed off. Tread carefully, for the lives of anyone close enough to smell your desire is about to end up meeting him in battle.”

I gritted my clenched teeth together, forcing my body to calm down before it tipped over the edge. Slowly, I lifted onto shaking legs and started toward Knox. I moved away from the others as he tracked me. I made it a few feet away from him before black eyes slid to blue, and Knox exhaled loudly, glaring at me.

“I didn’t come, Knox. Don’t hurt them. They did nothing wrong.”

He laughed soundlessly, shaking his head as claws retracted from his fingertips. His body trembled with power and anger that was palpable between us. “Good girl,” he snorted.

Knox grabbed my hand, walking me back toward the makeshift bed. Once there, he folded his body around mine and fixed the blankets. Leaning over, he brushed his lips against my forehead. His knuckles brushed against my cheek softly before his thumb pushed into my mouth, forcing me to suck it. He leaned over, whispering against my ear.

“You look so fucking pretty on your knees, taking me into your tight throat, Aria.”

“I think that might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me, Knox.” I glared up at him as Brander groaned loudly.

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