Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,40

come to us to prove he is a man. Let him do it before everyone proves they are a man. Although, our vagina would be happy and me too,” she chuckled darkly, even as the pained rattling continued echoing through my throat, annoyingly.

“Knox said we were only worth the scent our vagina makes. He doesn’t get to have us anymore!”

“Then we choose another because I’m losing control of hiding our scent. You don’t eat, and I need feeding. I weaken, Aria. I sleep too much, and I’m a growing girl. Feed me, fuck him, and then we will fight them all.”

“You’re insane! You know that, right? I’m not sucking his dick!”

“Then choose Killian’s dick because he’s second-in-command. He’s a good killer, and I bet he’d fuck hard, too. He’s got anger issues, and anger works when taken out on a vagina!”

“I am not fucking Killian, you dirty bird! Shut this noise up!”

“Aria?” Greer called.

His use of my name caused me to escape my internal conversation. He held the cage door open, peering at the men who surrounded me nervously. I slipped inside, watching as he sealed it behind me, stepping back as the sea of men moved closer.

“Are you okay?” Greer asked as the men crowding the cage pushed him out of the way.

Purring erupted all around me, and I shivered while glancing around the cage. The men crushed each other to get closer to me, sending fear ripping through me, sounding through my call. My cry stopped the moment another entered the clearing. My body arched, alerting me to who rattled, sending the other men to their knees.

The rattle grew in volume, forcing the crowd to move back. Knox slid through the mass of bodies and gazed at me through the bars, glaring at the way I trembled. He reached through them, placing a bloodied flower on the blanket before turning, leaving me to ponder what the hell it meant. I picked up the white rose, holding it against my nose as he turned, watching me inhale its fragrance before he purred softly.

“We’re moving out,” he snapped to the crowd, sending them crashing into one another in their rush to obey.

Knox still stared at me as I studied him. He was covered in blood. Momentarily, I feared it was one of the men’s until they exited the woods, laughing together, also covered in blood.

They carried a bloodied deer-like creature between them, causing my stomach to rumble with hunger. My lips and nose scrunched up at the idea of chowing down on it, but it smelled divine. I dropped the flower, sliding closer to the edge of the cage. My hands gripped the bars tightly, and my teeth slid free. Knox studied me, following my stare at the animal before moving back to me, narrowing his eyes at my response.

A lopsided smile played on his lips as he went to the animal and ripped off a chunk of meat. Walking to me, he held it just out of my reach. Saliva filled my mouth as I took in the meat, lifting my eyes to lock with his as my stomach growled ravenously. I reached for it, and he pulled it away. Frowning, I whined low in my throat.

“When’s the last time you ate fresh meat?” he asked, and I shook my head. “I asked you a question, Aria. When is the last time you ate anything to sate your creature’s hunger?”

“I don’t remember,” I whispered, eyeing the meat in his hand while turning up my nose at it. “That’s disgusting.”

Knox smirked boyishly, holding his hand out and lowering his eyes to the chunk of meat. I lifted my hand, accepting it from him. Yanking it through the bars, I sank my teeth into it as a moan of pleasure rushed through me. I wanted to throw up at the fact I was eating raw meat, but I also was in danger of coming undone at how good it tasted. I sighed, devouring it, closing my eyes at how amazing it tasted on my tongue.

My eyes opened, and my gaze held Knox’s, dripping blood down my chin while he and his men watched me. Brander ripped another chunk from the animal, handing it to Knox, who stepped closer, giving me more while I gulped down the first piece.

I accepted the next chunk, purring low in my throat. Studying Knox from beneath my lashes, I silently tore into the meat as he shook his head, snorting. “I forgot you needed meat, Little Copyright 2016 - 2024