Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,38

the urgent purr into my lungs. Knox kneeled, lifting my chin with his finger while his creature took in my submission.

Knox stood and walked around my prone body. I could feel the men’s need to join, craving to taste my surrender while Knox and his creature assured themselves I was still theirs. He settled behind me, pulling my body against his while I glanced at Killian. His soft blue eyes slid to where my nipples pushed against the dress, dipping lower before the tic in his jaw started hammering with anger and need.

Killian was erect, his cock pressing against his trousers as he watched me submit to Knox. My creature purred within me, needing them all to join in and taste my need. It was exhilarating to know they all craved me and wanted what I was, on a level so deliciously dark that my legs spread for the male behind me.

Knox wrapped his arm around my stomach, and his other pushed the sleeve of the dress aside, baring my breast to Killian’s heavily hooded gaze. Knox pinched my nipple, uncaring that Killian was aroused by the sight of him touching me. Knox was subduing my body to transfix my mind. Lips brushed my shoulder, and the sharp sting of teeth sent my entire body spiraling into panic.

My mouth opened, and a rattle exploded on a wailing cry that caused my eyes to grow wide and round. It echoed around us, just like it had when Lord Andres had sunk his blunt teeth into my shoulder. Killian’s head shook as if waking up from a spell before he kneeled in front of me.

Knox rattled, jerking his mouth from where he’d intended to mark me. His hands continued to hold me. My hands slapped over my mouth in horror at the noise exploding from my lungs.

It was a loud, painful, and heartbreaking sound. Tears swam in my eyes as Killian held my face, whispering words of comfort with a horrified look like he wasn’t sure what the hell was happening. Next, Lore was beside me. His hands were on me and in my hair as he promised everything was okay. Brander was touching me too, whispering reassurances while Greer held the world’s strangest expression on his face. His eyes studied me before sliding to the men who all had dropped to their knees, comforting me.

Knox continued to hold me from behind, his rattling purr comforting more than the others touching me had achieved. My heart raced, uncertain about how to turn off the heartrending sound that was coming from my creature. Greer stepped closer, and the men all snarled at him before he stepped back, searching their faces, then settling on mine.

“Help her,” Knox snarled, his words coming out as if his mouth were filled with serrated teeth. Killian’s eyes had turned a blueish green with golden embers floating in them, and his mouth had filled with rows of sharp, terrifying teeth.

I felt a hand moving down my belly, and the wail grew in volume, causing the men to slip back a tiny bit. Not men, monsters. My eyes slid around the group, noting each one’s eyes had filled with midnight orbs and fiery embers. Greer turned, noting more men coming through the forest to investigate the sound.

“It’s a distress call,” Greer groaned, holding my stare as the men continued stroking me.

My body had never had so many freaking hands stroking it or touching it at once. It wasn’t sexual either; it was a desperate need to stop the noise I was making from continuing. Knox kissed my neck, purred into my ear, his sound changing, growing painful to hear as if wounded by the shrieking rattle escaping me.

Killian leaned forward, his lips touching my temple as he purred, wiping away my tears, promising I would be okay. Brander groaned, yanking me toward his body, and Knox rattled a warning. My heart slid into my stomach while I shuddered from their scents oozing into my nose, intoxicating me until I feared my body would respond in violence.

It was too much all at once.

My creature chuckled, and I stiffened. She was humming in my head, and yet she held my scent within me, protecting me from the men I was sure would lose their shit the moment it slipped free. My head dropped against Knox, and he growled through gritted teeth, stroking my exposed breast while Killian awkwardly helped him.

“Greer, what the fuck is happening to her?” Knox demanded.

“She’s in distress because Copyright 2016 - 2024