Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,215

call you, the Queen of Nothing, and he hates you. Knox pretends otherwise, but I see it when he looks at you. He hates everything you are, right down the very center of your poisonous being. Has he told you how beautiful you are yet? Or how he enjoys the fire burning in your eyes? How he craves you and can’t stop his need to be within you?” Celia continued, causing my stomach to somersault as she repeated what he had told me. “Or how you’re a storm raging within him? He’s very adept at seduction. I should know. I taught him what to use on you before he ever left for Haven Falls. I told him what to say and how to get underneath your skin to lower your guard and become susceptible to his kisses and stolen glances. I even told him to handfast with you on Beltane, inside the circle.”

“You’re lying,” I snorted, watching as her smile didn’t waver.

Celia produced a sheet of paper from the skirt of her dress, handing it to one girl, who passed it off to me. I stared at the writing, frowning as my eyes scanned the words.

My Dearest King,

Marry the evil bitch on Beltane. In the eyes of the law, hers included, she will be yours for one year. Tell her she’s gorgeous and that you crave her more than you want to admit; that she is a storm within you that rages unhinged and without end. Hold her at night, make her feel as if you could want more from her. She’s young, My Love. Use it against her, for the wishes of a young woman can easily be wielded against her. You know how I enjoy you washing me after a night together? Do the same with her, making her feel desired. You only need to keep her blinded to the possibilities until after Beltane. Once you’ve returned, we will be united, and she will be caged. I know you loathe touching her and that it makes your skin crawl to be near her, but do what is needed. I cannot wait to feel your teeth against my flesh, claiming me.

Forever yours, Celia.

“I can’t speak your language, Celia,” I swallowed, whispering gutturally, crumpling up the letter as she watched me. “And no matter what it says, it’s your handwriting. There’s no proof it was ever delivered.”

“No? Ask him who came up with the plan to handfast with you, Aria. There are so many plots and plans we’ve made together as a family. You are just one among many. The king may enjoy your body because of the beast you house, but you’re still his enemy, and that won’t ever change.”

“I know that everyone is planning shit,” I snorted, sitting up to stand, accepting the towel, before moving toward the bed. “Where is Knox?”

“He’s at a meeting with the other heads of the rebellion, letting them know that he secured your hand in marriage,” Celia said, and I turned, watching as the girls stepped closer to her. “Tell her who Knox spends his evenings with when he is here. Tell this stupid little bitch who will be queen.”

“He’s been with our lady several times and even marked her as his mate,” one girl said, her words sounding rehearsed as Celia smiled coldly.

“See, everyone here is aware of who runs this palace and who will become the next real High Queen of the Nine Realms,” Celia whispered, nodding to the girl who smirked, her red lips twisting into a sinister smile as she brushed her blood-red nails on her black dress. “You will die here, Aria. I will ensure it. You’re going to be a good little bitch for me and stop fucking the man I intend to claim as my King.”

“Tell him that, since he is the one who keeps insisting I come for him,” I countered, dropping the towel and smiling as Celia took in the marks Knox had left on my pussy during our rutting fest. He’d freaking bitten me there, placing a claim on my sex that any male would see if I was with them.

“I’m going to enjoy watching him destroy you. Every night he will stand in front of my sister’s grave, mourning her and reminding himself why he’s forced to endure the use of your vile body. I imagine that every night he returns, he will fight the need to remove that pretty head from your neck. Instead, he holds you close because I Copyright 2016 - 2024